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牛津译林版英语7A Unit5 Study skills教案
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班级            姓名              学号               等第         书写________
1. 认知字母组合的发音并掌握发音。
2. 运用本课所学的读音规律,准确地朗读新单词。
3. 正确且流利地朗读含有本课所学读音规则的短语。
1. 学会本课字母组合ay,ight,oy,ow,ear,ure的发音。
2. 用本课所学的读音规律,正确且流利地朗读含本课所学读音规则的短语。
A.     课前预习:
1. 预习本课: 在书上用铅笔,直尺划出重难点并标注疑点。
2. 预习Page65,完成书上习题。
3. 预习检测:
   (1)  play  say  wait  rain    ___________       (2) high light night right       ____________
   (3) boy enjoy toy toilet     ___________      (4) bowl know boat coat  ____________
   (5)brown down house mouth ___________       (6) ear hear near year   ____________
   (7)  bear wear chair hair      ___________       (8) sure tour ____________
4. 你在预习中发现什么问题,或是有什么地方不明白吗,请写在下面的横线上,上课时要特别留神了。
B.      课堂探究:
C.     课堂巩固:
(     )1. A. know          B.  down               C.  brown        D. now
(     )2. A. great        B. break           C. breakfast      D. they
(     )3. A. eight           B.  light                 C. right               D. night
(     )4. A. ear      B. hear                C. near              D. bear
(     )5. A.bike             B. my                    C. high         D. family
A)     请根据句子意思或所给单词的适当形式填空:
6.We always c________ the Chinese New Year at home.
7.We divide the birthday cake by _______ (cut) it into 6 pieces .
8.He has two sons. One is a teacher, and the o_______ is a doctor .
9. Out of s_______, out of mind.
10.You s_______ unhappy . What’s wrong ?
B)     根据所给汉语写出句子中所缺单词:
11.There are many _______ (猴子) in the zoo.
12.I cannot sleep at all. Someone is _______ (喊叫) outside my window.
13.We have a long ________ (假期) in August .
14.There will be _______ (烟火) tonight in Chinatown .
15.The Mid-Autumn Festival is a _______ (特别的) festival in China.
C)     动词填空:
16.Tom ________ (speak)very good English.
17. Thank you for _______ (help) me with my homework.
18.We cut out shapes _______ (make) the eys, the nose and the sharp teeth .
19. If the old man _______ (not give) us a treat, we can play a trick on him .
20. There _______ (be) a football match next Sunday, isn’t there ?
(     )21.---____ do you like Halloween?---Very much .
 A. What       B. How      C. When       D. Which
(     )22.The children play games _______ at Halloween.
 A. happy      B. happily    C. happier      D. happiest
(     )23.Father will _______ me to some big cities in the south next month .
A. take        B. bring      C. give        D. get
(     )24. Here ________ a card and two letters fro you .
A. are         B. have      C. will be      D. is
(     )25. His mother _______ than she really is .
A. looks being young      B. looks like young   C. looks to be younger  D. looks younger
(     )26. When I am playing games, there are always lots of people _______ for their turns.
 A. waiting    B. to wait     C. are waiting     D wait
(     )27. He seems _________ nothing about this film.
 A. know     B. knows     C. to know       D. knowing
(     )28. On festivals, people usually dress up ______ new clothes.
 A. as       B. with       C. for         D. in
Many children have birthday cakes on their birthdays. In some _29______, like England and Scotland, there is another custom, too. People beat or hit the ___30____ on his/her birthday. This may hurt __31____, but they say it is very lucky for the child. The child must ___32__ cry. The custom says, if you ___33___, you will cry all year.
They say the birthday spanks(一巴掌)is to make the bad spirits(邪气)__34___. The harder you spank the better. In Belgium, another country in Europe, the custom is a little __35___. There a parent goes into the child’s room___36__ in the morning with a needle. As soon as the child ___37__ up, the parent pricks(刺)the child with the needle. This is for good ___38__.
(     )29.A. countries                B. cities                 C. towns                D. villages
(     )30.A. children                 B. girl                   C. child                 D. boy
(     )31.A. a few                            B. a little               C. a lot                  D. much
(     )32.A. never                            B. ever                  C. /                       D. always
(     )33.A. laugh                            B. sleep                 C. speak                D. cry
(     )34.A. out                        B. along                C. about                D. away
(     )35.A. difficult                 B. different            C. helpful                     D. friendly
(     )36.A. late                        B. quickly             C. early                 D. slowly
(     )37.A. wakes                           B. runs                  C. stands               D. comes
(     )38.A. sleep                      B. luck                  C. birthday            D. breakfast
The 4th Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It’s a holiday in the USA. Usually family members and friends get together for a dinner. People sometimes drive their cars for a family reunion(团圆). Many people also take Friday off to make a long weekend holiday as most Americans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays. Thanksgiving Day began in 1621, when the first English settlers(殖民者) got to the New World. They didn’t have enough food. But the American Indians helped the white men and taught them how to farm. In the autumn after the English settlers came to America, they had a good harvest(收成). They were so pleased. They asked their Indian friends to dinner to thank them and the God(上帝) for their help. To most Americans today, Thanksgiving Day is more important than Christmas on New Year’s Eve.
(      )39. The American Indians were ____.
A. not friendly to the English settlers  B. not helpful to the English settlers
C. friendly and helpful to the English settlers      
D. afraid of the white people when they saw them arriving(到达)
(      ) 40. When the English settlers reached New World, they____.
A. had no food  B. lived happily  C. taught the American Indians how to farm  D. asked the America Indians to dinner
(    )41. When did the Thanksgiving Day begin?
A. Thursday    B. 1621     C. Friday     D. weekends
(    ) 42. The English settlers had a good harvest because____.
A. They were rich and had much money B. The Americans Indians helped them how to farm  C. They had a lot of friends there.       D. The God helped them
(     ) 43. To most Americans, Thanksgiving Day is ____.
A. important    B. not important      C. hard       D. useful
Every year people c____44____ the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important f____45____ in China. So before it c___46____, every family c___47___ their houses and buy many things. And they often m__48___ a special kind of food c___49___ dumplings. It means “come together”. People always buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their p____50____. On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members meet for a big d____51____. Then they watch TV until midnight to w__52____ the new year .At twelve, people give e___53___ other the best wishes for the coming year.
 44.c____________ 45.f____________ 46.c____________ 47.c____________ 48.m___________      49.c____________     50.p____________      51.d____________
52.w____________    53.e____________

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