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B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8)
7. A) Action movies.    B) Funny films.    C) Cartoons.           D) Romantic movies.
8. A) A pilot.          B) A policeman.  C) A doctor.           D) A teacher.
9. A) In Beijing.      B) In Shanghai.          C) In New York.        D) In London.
10. A) $8.              B) $10.           C) $12.                  D) $14.
11. A) Fine.           B) Cloudy.         C) Sunny.             D) Rainy.
12. A) Three cups a day. B) Four cups a day. C) Two cups a day.    D) One cup a day.
13. A) Doctor and patient.              B) Husband and wife.
   C) Teacher and student.               D) Waiter and customer.
14. A) Peter likes doing something useless.        B) The weather must be fine.
   C) Peter always listens to his wife.     D) Peter will not clean the car right now.
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断
下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)
15. Mary didn't sleep very well last night because she played music too late.
16. Jane and Mary weren't late for school as they went to school by bus.
17. Mary had dinner in a fast food restaurant with her parents.
18. The man near Mary was smoking during the dinner and this made Mary angry.
19. Some people didn't turn off their mobile phones because the movie was boring.
20. From the passage we know Mary didn't have a good time today.
D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7分)
21. If you do not understand the question, you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to
__________ __________.
22. Another custom is that there is __________ __________ for not doing your homework.
23. It is your responsibility to find out __________ __________ you have missed.
24. In America, it is thought __________ __________ be late, so you must be on time.
25. Entering a teacher's office or any other office with a closed door __________ __________ first is not polite.
             Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)
IIChoose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20
26. Mike played a joke on his classmates after class. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?
27. Farmers plant the seeds of hope in ______ spring and wait for their growing.
   A) /               B) a                   C) an                  D) the
28. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball star and I like ______ very much.
   A) he              B) himself             C) his                 D) him
29. Iphone products are becoming more and more popular in China ______ many reasons.
   A) as              B) on                 C) for                 D) about
30. Three gunmen broke ______ a book store and stole many great books last night.
   A) up             B) down               C) out                 D) into
31. - ______ do you practice your English reading?
   - Every day. You know, it is very important.
   A) How often     B) How soon           C) How long           D) How fast
32. The teacher asked what was happening, but ______ answered. We were all silent.
   A) everybody       B) nobody             C) somebody           D) anybody
33. The wonderful special effects make Transformers (变形金刚) one of ______ films of the year.
   A) exciting         B) more exciting        C) most exciting         D) the most exciting
34. The music from the next door sounded ______. It almost drove me mad.
   A) beautiful        B)sweet                C) awful               D) healthy
35. Ben ______ lift the heavy box by himself, so he asked his father for help.
   A) mustn't          B) needn't              C) couldn't              D) shouldn't
36. I failed in the driving test last time, ______ I have to take it again next month.
   A) and             B) but                 C) so                  D) or
37. You won't calculate faster than computers ______ you have a really amazing brain.
   A) if              B) unless               C) when               D) because
38. Perhaps there will be no cormorant fishermen in the world in 50 years, ______?
   A) will there        B) will they            C) won't there           D) won't they
39. Recently many young customers ______ to give up their old mobile phones and buy the new Iphone 6.
   A) decide           B) have decided         C) had decided          D) decided
40. Simon's father promised that they ______ a cruise trip to Europe the next summer.
   A) will take        B) are taking           C) would take           D) were taking
41. Many houses ______ during the earthquake happened in Yunnan, China this May.
   A) were destroyed         B) are destroyed         C) has destroyed         D) had destroyed
42. Volunteering is the only best way ______ about how the rest of the world lives.
   A) know           B) knows              C) knowing            D) to know
43. My little brother was keen on ______ stamps when he was young.
   A) collect          B) collected             C) collecting            D) to collect
44. - In my opinion, pictures can help us improve our memory, especially silly ones.
   - ______
   A) Congratulations!  B) You're welcome.     C) All fight.           D) I agree with you.
45. - Would you like me to borrow the comic strips from the library for you?
   - ______
   A) Not at all.                            B) That's very kind of you.
   C) I'm afraid not.                                 D) That's all fight.

资料名称: 上海市闵行区2015年中考一模(即期末)英语试卷及答案
文件大小: 634K
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版本年级: 上海市中考专栏
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