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牛津英语9A Unit8 Integrated skills&studyskills导学案
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九年级(上)Unit 8  Detective stories
Integrated skills &study skills
1. 会读,会默本课单词、短语。[来源:Zxxk.Com][来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]
2. 通过绑架听力内容,学会保护自己,注重日常细节;
一,  汉译英
1. 保护自己抵制犯罪_______________________2. 记得要做某事_____________________
3. 锁上家里的门___________________________4. 随身携带 ________________________
7.独自一个人出门__________________________8. 故事的大意_______________________
1,A_____________ an eight-year-old girl in the _________ .(kidnap)
2,I _____________(lie) in the bed reading when you called me last night.
3, She decided to work harder ___________ (catch)up with the others.
4.When you __________ (breath), you take in air and send it out through your nose or mouth.
5, The plane landed ____________(safe).
6.The dog is barking at the _____________(strange).
三、听录音完成Part A2
二、小组讨论 1. Who is the victim?   Please tell us something about him.    
2. Who do you think may be the murderer ? Why?
1、What should we do when we leave home?
2. Should we carry a lot of money with us?
1、Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourself against crime?。
二, 单项选择题
(    )1.  They met each other ___________ a cold winter day fifteen years ago.
A.     on            B. in              C. at                 D. for
(    )2. Are you sure May _______ the case? I can’t believe.
A.     involved in  B. be involved in   C.  is involved in      D. are involved in
(    )3. ----It looks it’s going to rain.
----____________ . I didn’t bring your umbrella.
A. Please hold   B. Please don’t     C. It is a good idea.     D. I hope not.
(    )4.We go to school every day ____________ Saturday and Sunday .
A. except       B. besides         C. between            D. both
(    )5. He said he ___________ go outside alone at night.
A.  dare        B. don’t dare to    C.   didn’t dare to     D. dare not
(     )6, When I passed the classroom, I heard _____in the classroom.
A. her singing   B. her sing         C. she is singing        D. she sang
1.“I have been to the Great Wall already ,” Tom said (改为间接引语)。
2The boy who was kidnapped  ran away successfully in the end.(对划线部分提问)。
3. They were checking the machine at 9 am yesterday. (对划线部分提问)
4 He seemed to know the answer . (改为同义句)
  ____________ ____________ ________he __________ the answer .
5.It isn’t going to rain .I think so . (合并成一句)
6,The suspect is 1.68 metres tall. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _____________ _______________ the suspect ?
7. The victim  is  a short ,thin man . (对划线部分提问)
__________ does the victim _________  ____________?
8 The body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop last night . (对划线部分提问)
_____________ _____________ the body found last night?
9.” Does he know the victim ?” I asked .(改为直接引语)
I asked ____________ ___________ _____________ the victim.
10. The evidence can prove him to be a guilty man .(改为同义句)。
The evidence can prove______   ________ ___________  a guilty man.


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