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V. 根据句意和首字母提示,填入适当的词。(5分)
21. My sister is very o__________. She likes making friends.
22. The seats in this theater are the most c__________ in town.
23. What will h__________ if I wear jeans to the party?
24. There are h__________ of students in the museum. It’s very crowded.
25. Can you help me s__________ the difficult problem?
VI. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)
26. Tom decided _______ (move) to New York.
27. Jim is as _______ (funny) as his brother.
28. My mother wants me _______ (take) a trip with her.
29. Tom is going to be a __________ (science) when he grows up.
30. There are some _______ (different) between the two pictures.
VII. 单项选择。(20分)
(     )31. --Where did Tina go on vacation? –She ______ to the mountains.
          A. go             B. went           C. goes
(     )32. Everyone was happy yesterday. No one seemed ______ bored.
          A. being             B. was            C. to be
(     )33. Susan goes to the movies______.
A. twice every month    B. twice a month    C. a month
(     )34. He can speak English well,  ______ he is very young. 
A. although            B. at            C. because           
(     )35. Is Tom ______ than Sam?
A. smart           B. more smart           C. smarter           
(     )36. Teachers make us ______ homework every day. 
A. to do           B. do                  C. doing              
(     )37. Town Cinema is the closest to our home. And we can buy tickets the most ______ there.
          A. quick          B. quickest        C. quickly          
(     )38. Tim is shorter than any other boy in the class. He is the ______.
A. shortest         B. short          C. shorter        
(     )39. What do you plan ______ tonight?
A. watch            B. to watch            C. watching           
(     )40. What can you expect ______ from sitcoms?
A. to learn           B. learn           C. learning        
(     )41. I am going ______ Beijing next week. 
A. visiting          B. visit             C. to visit       
(     )42. She is too young ______ to school. 
A. to go           B. goes             C. going       
(     )43. In the future, kids will ______ at home on computers.
          A. study           B. studying          C. studies
(     )44. I think I’ll be a reporter ______ ten years.
          A. after           B. for               C. in
(     )45. Please help me cut ______ the bananas.
A. down          B. up                C. of    
(     )46. ______ yogurt do you need?      
A. How much      B. How many        C. How    
(     )47. –Can you come to my party? –Sure, ______.      
A. I’d love        B. I’d love to go       C. I’d love to   
(     )48. I have ______ homework to do.      
A. too many          B. too much        C. much too         
(     )49. If you go to the party, you ______ a great time.       
A. have             B. had             C. will have      
(     )50. We should ask people ______ food.     
A. to bring          B. will bring        C. bring     

资料名称: 人教新目标八年级上期末综合练习及答案
文件大小: 68K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上期末复习
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