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6.  A. French.                           B. Red.                               C. Taxi.
7.  A. Hold on, please.               B. Have a good time!            C. What a pity!
8.  A. About two hours.             B. For 5 years.                            C. Almost twice a week.
9.  A. Well done!                      B. No, thanks.                      C. Sure, my pleasure.
10.   A. I really enjoy it.               B. Take it easy.                     C. Go ahead.
11. What did Linda have for breakfast?
A. Beef noodles.                  B. Porridge.                         C. Bread.
12. How does Susan improve her reading?
A. By taking notes.               B. By studying with a group. C. By reading for fun.
13. Why is Mrs. Black so happy?
A. Because it’s her birthday.  B. Because her son’s coming. C. Because her books sell well.
14. Where is the Tower of London?
A. Near Big Ben.                 B. Next to Tower Bridge.      C . Across from London Eye.
15.   What does Tom’s math teacher look like?
A. He’s tall and handsome.    B. He’s a little bit heavy.              C. He’s kind of short.
16. Who is Tina going to meet?
A. Miss Bell.                 B. Mr. Trent.                   C. Mr. Bell.
17. What time is the flight supposed to arrive?
A. 11:45.                  B. 12:15.                      C. 15:30.
18. Where did Tina’s friend fly from?
A. Beijing, China.              B. Tokyo, Japan.                  C. Toronto, Canada.
19. What’s the flight number?
A. It’s KZ 632.              B. It’s F Z 362.                   C. It’s OZ 326.
20. Where would Tina like to meet her friend?
A. At a coffee shop.        B. At a tea shop.               C. At a book shop.

资料名称: 福州市2016届中考复习模拟英语试题(6)含答案(即暑假作业)
文件大小: 2459K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 福州市中考专栏
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