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1.Who will you _____________(选择) as your best friend?
2. Thank you very much for ______________(主动提出) me so much help.
3. Without their _____________(支持),I couldn’t finish the difficult work very quickly.
4. You should be ___________(耐心的) to the old people.
5.We________(已经) told my headmaster about my plan, and she agreed to go with us.
6. Last weekend, I ____________(加入)their school trip to the world Park.
7.Whar a ____________(可怕的)rainstorm and it destroyed many houses.
8.I got six _________(票) for the new film. Would you like to watch it with me?
六、根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。 (共7分,每小题1分)
1. The _____________(weigh) of a cat is about  one kilogram.
2. Whose drawing is the ____________(bad) of all the six students?
3.____________(luck), she found her new iphone at last.
4.It’s_________(correct) to throw rubbish everywhere when we visit the parks.
5. He is ___________(care) with his money. He often spends it on unimportant things.
6. Among all the fruit, I like______________(strawberry) best.
7. Johnson has the_________(little) bread of us five.
1. Nancy has more weeks off than Peter..(同义句)
Peter has _________ weeks _________ than Nancy.
2. This bridge is 200 metres wide, and that bridge is 350 metres wide.(同义句)
  This bridge isn’t ______ _______as that bridge.
3. It took me more than two hours to paint my bedroom. (改为同义句)
  I __________  over two hours ________my bedroom.
4. Andrew filled the room with water.(对画线部分提问)
  ________ did Andrew fill the room __________?
5. What is the meaning of this word? (改为同义句)
  What ________ this word ________?
八、 动词填空(10分)
1.All of us can’t wait ________(decorate) the room with beautiful flowers.
2. Peter,  ___________(not fill) the glass with water! It’s full.
3. Most of the students__________(cheer) when their faourite singers came.
4. We will go out for a picnic if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow.
5. Linda spends half an hour _________(practise)playing baseball every day.
6 The birds show starts at 8 o’clock a.m and        (finish)at 5 o’clock p.m
7. Yesterday I made a mistake,so my mum made me       (clean) the rooms at home.
8. Hurry up! The film __________(begin) in ten minutes!
9. Last week, Peter met Amy in the street and stopped _____________(talk) with her.
10. Tom, together with his wife and children, ___________(get) ready for their winter holiday these days.
九、 完成句子 按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子,每空限填一词。(本大题共10分, 每空0.5分)
1. 我们的语文老师非常和蔼,脸上总是面带笑容。
  Our Chinese teacher is very kind and always _______ a _________ _________her face.
2. 仔细听,你会学到新的东西。
  Listen____________, and you will learn ___________ ___________.
3. May是一位真正的朋友,她从不任何人的坏话。
  May is a _______friend and she never says a bad word ________anyone.
4. 我们最好别建议他去爬山。
  We’d_______ ________ _________him to climb the mountains.
5. 去年我们市发生了很大的变化。
  Great changes ___________ ____________ in our city last year.
6. 那对双胞胎保守着他们彼此的秘密, 最终想到了一个好的方法
   The twins __________their secret_________ __________and thought of a good way in the end.
7. 我们已经够大了。我们应该自己做而不是花钱请人去做。
  We are old enough. We should do it by________ _________ _________ ________someone to do it.
1.      你计划给父亲做了一个书架,因为他喜欢看书。
2.      你的最好朋友Andrew来帮你并带了些工具。你们首先阅读说明,然后很快就开始做了。
3.      Andrew不仅擅长DIY,而且又乐于助人。你们花了一个小时就做好了。
4.      你在使用工具时一直犯错误, 因为你太兴奋了。你们一起干得很开心。
5.      这是你给爸爸做的第一份礼物,你希望……
1.      作文内容必须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯。
2.      第5要点的内容请用1-2句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。
3.      书架:bookself

资料名称: 丁蜀学区五校联考2014-2015年八年级上期中英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 139K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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