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听第一段对话, 回答第11—12小题。
(    )11. How many seasons are mentioned (被提到) in the dialogue?
A. One .                              B. Two.                             C. Three .
(    )12. Why does the woman like winter?
A. Because she can skate.
B. Because it is not very cold.
C. Because she can play with snow.                          
听第二段对话, 回答第l3—15小题。
(    )13.How much is the two-bed room?
A. 285 dollars a month.               B. 250 dollars a month.         C. 35 dollars a month.
(    )14. What does the two-bed room have ?
A. A TV.                              B. A washing machine.          C. A sofa.
(    )15.What can the man do if he lives in the hotel?
A. Play tennis .                    B. Play table tennis .             C. Swim in the pool.
(    )16. Where was Allen born?
              A. In America.                            B. In England .                    C. In Australia.
(    )17.Why did Allen move to London?
              A. Because he liked the city in England.            
           B. Because his father had a new job there.          
C. Because he had a lot of friends there.
(    )18.What did Allen enjoy doing with his friends before moving to London?
A. Running.                        B. Skating.                         C. Swimming.
(    )19.How about the children at school in London?
A. They were angry with him.
B. They were afraid of him.
C. They were friendly to him.
(    )20. What do we know from this passage?
A. He loves his life in London now.
B. He dislikes his life in London now.               
C. He doesn’t mind(介意) his life in London now.
(     )21. He is_______ usual man but last week he did _______unusual thing——saving a boy
 out of water.
       A. an ; an                B. a ; an                C. an ; a                D. an ; the
(     )22._______bad the weather is today!
       A. What                B. How             C. What a         D. How a
(     )23.The subjects students study in America are different from________in China.
       A. that              B. those           C. it                D. one
(     )24. The piece of music sounds__________. Let’s enjoy it.
       A. wonderfully       B. well                C. good               D. cute
(     )25. After the  PE lesson , he was _______thirstier than me.
A. more              B. most           C. quite             D. even
(     )26. _______ the end, John won the first place _______ the end of the match.
       A. In; at                  B. In; in                C. At; at                D. At; in
(     )27.Please try your best to finish the work with ________ money and ________ people.
A. few; little       B. a few; a little  C. less; fewer     D. fewer; less
(     )28.The light on the wall is broken. He wants to __________a new one.
       A. put up               B. put in             C. put on            D. put down
(     )29. Which city is ______from Wuxi, Beijing or Shanghai?
       A. the farthest      B. farther        C. the most far     D. far
(     )30. Do you believe what he _______about his best friend? Yes , he never _______lies.
       A. talks; tells       B. says; tells        C. talks; says       D. says; talks
(     )31.— Can I have __________ pieces of bread?   — Sorry, there’s __________ left.
A. two more; else nothing             B. another two; nothing else
C. another two; else nothing           D. more two; nothing else
(     )32. The boy doesn’t work _______the others in his class.
       A. so harder as      B. as hardly as       C. as the hardest    D. so hard as
(     )33. DIY is very popular now. It means you don’t need to ______ anyone to do it.
       A. spend               B. cost                C. take                D. pay
(     )34.The little boy showed great _______in the _________story.
       A. interest; interesting                          B.interested; interesting
C. interesting; interest                           D. interest; interested
(     )35.— My family and I will go back to the USA tomorrow.   — ____________
       A. I’m sorry to hear that.                            B. Have a nice journey!
C. No problem.                                    D. See you soon!

资料名称: 无锡市后宅中学2014-2015年八年级上期中英语试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 7348K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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