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A.     And both of us like reading, too.
B.      She is good at reading.
C.      She is good at drawing.
D.     What else do you like about Helen?
E.      What about you?
F.      They are both outgoing.
G.     Harry is more athletic than me.
Mike: Who is your best friend, Connie?
Connie: Helen.
Mike: Why?
Connie: Because she likes to do the same things as I do. 1._______________
Mike: Are you good at drawing, too?
Connie: Yes, I like drawing. 2. _______________
Mike: 3. _______________
Connie: She is more outgoing than me. 4. _______________Who is your best friend?
Mike: My best friend is Harry.
Connie: Is he like you?
Mike: No, he isn’t. 5. _______________And I’m more outgoing. But many people say that we look the same.
1._________  2. _________  3. _________  4. _________  5. _________
Mary: May I ask you some questions, Tom?
Tom: Sure.
Mary:­­ How was your vacation?
Tom: ________________________. I want to go there again.
Mary: Where did you go?
Tom: I went to Canada’s Great Lakes.
Mary: _____________________________________?
Tom: I got there by plane.
Mary: ____________________stay there?
Tom: I stayed there for a week.
Mary: Where are you going for your next vacation?
Tom: I’m going to Australia.
Mary: ____________________when you grow up?
Tom: I want to be a traveler . I want to travel all over the world.
Mary: _____________________________________?
Tom: I’m going to learn a lot about geography.
Mary: Ok, thank you.
Tom: You’re welcome.
A.     Where did you go?
B.      What did you do there?
C.      Why did you go there?
D.     How did you go there?
E.      Let’s go to the beach.
F.      Did you have a good time there?
G.     What do you think of the people in Beijing?
A: Hello, Jim! Long time no see. Your summer vacation is over. ____1____
B: I went to Beijing with my brother.
A: Really? That sounds great.____2____
B: We took the train there though it was difficult to buy the tickets.
A: ____3____
B: We climbed the Great Wall and visited the Summer Palace. They are very educational places
for us
A: It’s a pity for me not to go there. ____4____
B: Yes, we had great fun there.
A: ____5____
B: They were very friendly to us. We made two friends in Beijing.
A: I will go to Beijing next summer vacation.
1._________  2. _________  3. _________  4. _________  5. _________
A: Hello, Kate!
B: Hi, Lucy!
A: Who’s that girl over there? You look like each other.
B: She is my twin sister, Lily.
A: Oh, you are twins. Are there any differences between you?
B: Yes. I am 1._______________________than she, and she is a little quieter.
A: 2. ___________________________?
B: I go to the movies twice a week, but she never goes there. She likes reading story books.
A: 3.__________________________game shows?
B: I love them. I think they are interesting, but 4.______________________________.She says they ate too boring..
A: You are very different. But I think you are more beautiful.
B: 5.____________________________________.
A.  You’re welcome.
B.  How often do you watch it?
C.  What’s your favorite program?
D.  I want to be a soccer player.
E.  What about you?
F.  How are you going to do that?
G.  Harry is more athletic than me.
A: Hello, Connie! May I ask you some questions?
B: Sure!
A: 1._______________
B: It’s Animal World. I like it very much..
A: 2. _______________
B: I watch it three times a week.
A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
B:.3. _____________________
A: 4. _______________
B: I’m going to play soccer every day.
A: Thank you.
B: 5._______________________
1._________  2. _________  3. _________  4. _________  5. _________
A: Hi, Mike! 1. ________________________your vacation?
B: It was great.
A: 2. ____________________________________?
B: I went to New York with my family.
A: Really? Wow! 3. ___________________________________________?
B: Well, we went to a lot of museums.
A: Oh, how were they?
B: They were really interesting. But they were also very crowded.
A: Did you 4. _______________________________________?
B: Yes, I did.
A: How were the stores?
B: Oh, they were very expensive.
A: And how were the people? Did you meet any Japanese people?
B: Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.
A: 5. _______________________________________?
B: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!
一、1.C A DEG
二、1. It was great/ Great
    2. How did you get there
    3. How long did you
    4. What do you want to be
    5. How are you going to do that
四、1. more outgoing
2. How often do you go to the movies
3. What do you think of/ How do you like/ How do you feel about
4. she can’t stand them/ she doesn’t like them
5. Thank you / Thanks a lot/Thank you very much
 六、1. How was
     2. Where did you go?
     3. What did you do (there)?
     4. go shopping
     5. How was the food

资料名称: 人教新目标英语八年级上交际运用专练及答案
文件大小: 51K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上期末复习
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