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1. W: I’m sorry, I’m late.
  M: Come in, please. Next time come earlier for class.
2. M: How do you like this, Nancy?
  W: It’s very nice. Of all the food, I like the cakes best.
3. W: It’s Sunday. What are you going to do this morning, Mike?
  M: I’m going to help Betty with her maths.
4. M: Do you know Mr. White’s telephone number?
  W: Sorry, I don’t know.
5. W: Tom, Tom, get up please!
  M: What’s the time?
  W: It’s half past six. If you don’t get to school in half an hour, you’ll be late.
6. M: Must I finish the work today, mum?
  W: You’d better finish it soon, but it doesn’t matter if you get up early tomorrow.
7. W: Look! Pandas are eating!
M: Oh, yes. How many pandas are there in the zoo?
W: One, two, three. Oh, there is a baby panda, too.
8. M: Hello, Betty. How do you come to school every day?
  W: I take my father’s car. What about you, Mike?
  M: My home is near school, so I come to school on foot.
9. M: When did you have the sports meeting?
  W: Let me see. It’s April 15th today. We had it two days ago.
10. M: Mum, I’ m heavier than Jack. Am I a little too heavy?
   W: I think so.
二、听对话和短文回答问题 10分)
W: What are you going to have for dinner tonight, Ben?
M: I don’t know. My mum usually cooks, but she is on a business trip at the moment.
W: What about your dad?
M: He usually works late. He won’t come back home before 9 pm. today.
W: You could go to a restaurant.
M: I don’t like sitting at a table alone. I feel lonely. I’m not a very good cook. I’ll make some noodles.
W: Tom, what are you doing?
M: Oh, Miss Wang, I’m reading an interesting book about animals.
W: Do you like animals?
M: Yes, I do.
W: Tom, what are you going to be when you grow up?
M: I want to be an animal doctor. I think it’s very interesting and helpful.
W: What about your brother?
M: Oh, my brother wants to be a policeman.
W: And your sister?
M: She’d like to be a singer. She likes to be popular and famous.
W: I hope she can.
M: Thanks, Miss Wang. By the way, do you like being a teacher?
W: Yes, I do. I like children and teaching.
Mike lived in a small town outside New York City. He spent much time playing football. All the teachers said he was not hard-working. His parents hoped he could work hard at his lessons, but he wouldn’t listen to them.
It was Monday, December 23rd, before a week’s holiday began, Mr. Clark, their history teacher tested the students. The boy played football that Sunday and didn’t prepare for the test at all. He couldn’t answer the questions, even the easiest one, for example “Who was George Washington?” He hoped to watch the biggest football match in France on TV. So he wrote on the test paper, “God knows! I don’t! Merry Christmas!” Then he hurried off.

资料名称: 无锡市北塘区2014-2015年八年级上期中考试英语试卷含听力
文件大小: 15396K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津8A半期试题
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