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一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)  
从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。
1. TFBOYS' songs ____ sweet and many of us like listening to them.
A. sound             B. feel               C. taste              D. look  
2. --Do you have any plans for this summer vacation?     
--I'm not sure. I ___ take a trip to Taiwan. 
A. must                B. need               C. may               D. should   
3. Daniel, ___ play with the mobile phone while you're walking in the street. 
A. don't                B. doesn't                 C. won't             D. can't   
4. This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young. 
A. with          B. for                 C. by                  D. of  
5. ___ great fun we had in Yandu Park last Sunday!  
A. How                B. What              C. What a           D. How a  
6. The librarian told me that I could ___ these magazines for three days. 
A. borrow            B. buy                       C. keep               D. return  
7. Don't go out ___ the rain stops. Otherwise, you'll get wet! 
A. after                B. since              C. when              D. until  
8. --Wow, so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village. 
--Yes, ___ has changed in our hometown.  
A. Nothing           B. Nobody                C. Everything            D. Everybody 
9. Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was ___ to take on challenges in her life. 
A. enough brave        B. brave enough       C. stupid enough       D. enough stupid  
10. With the development of modern industry, there will be ___ living space for wild animals.  
A. fewer and fewer  B. less and less  C. more and more     D. bigger and bigger
11. Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice ___ perfect. 
A. becomes      B. became                C. will make             D. makes  
12. Sherlock Holmes asked the suspect what he ___ when the murder took place. 
A. was doing       B. has done              C. is doing          D. would do  
英语试题  第1页 (共8页)
13. --Can Mr. King spare some time for the charity show? 
--If he ___, he will try his best to make it. 
A. will be invited       B. is invited              C. invites           D. invited   
14. In the UK, a lady usually doesn't like to be asked ___. 
A. whether has she got married               B. how old is she 
C. where she comes from                       D. how much she weighs  
15. --Jane, your new dress looks very nice you!
--___. I like it very much. 
A. You are welcome                       B. I don't think so  
C. Thanks a lot                         D. Don't say that

资料名称: 盐城市2015年中考英语试题(Word版)
文件大小: 560K
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版本年级: 盐城市中考专栏
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