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上传者:   加入日期:15-06-22

第一节 听力理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
1 Where did Amy go during the holiday?
  A. Scotland.             B. Australia.              C. The USA.
2. Where did they visit first?
  A. A farm.              B. The Opera House        C. The Gold Coast.
3. What was the weather like?
  A. It rained all the time.   B. It is cool and cloudy.     C. There was hot sunlight.
4. What isn’t Nancy interested in?
   A. Computer.          B. Writing.                C. Reading.
5. Why does Nancy write this letter?
A. To study in a college.     
B. To talk with Mr. Brown. 
  C. To find a part-time job.
6. What job does Nancy want to do?
A. A singer.           B. A reporter.               C. An officer.
7. What kinds of vegetables would Susan like to have?
  A. Potatoes and carrots.
B. Tomatoes and carrots.  
C. Potatoes and tomatoes.
8. What will the man do before he does some shopping?
  A.Eat some strawberry ice-cream .           
  B. Take money out from the bank.     
  C. Watch TV for a while at home.
9. What are the two speakers talking about?
  A. Going shopping.    B. Getting money.            C. Cooking dinner.
10. How many countries are mentioned?
A. Two.           B. Three.                   C. Four.
11. What can we learn about sending gifts?
A. Few gifts are sent on special days.    
B. It’s important to send the right gift.      
C. In China, clocks as gifts mean good luck.
12. What gift will a young man from Germany give his girl friend to show his love?
A. Red roses.         B. White flowers.     C. A watch.
13. What does the girl want to do?
A. To make her hair curly.
B. To color her hair brown.
C. To make her hair straight.
14. How much should the girl pay in total?
A. 85 yuan.          B. 68 yuan.          C. 45 yuan.
15. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Boss and assistant. 
B. Hairdresser and customer.   
C. Hairdresser and assistant.

资料名称: 广州市花都区2015年初中毕业生综合测试英语试卷
文件大小: 81K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 广州市中考专栏
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