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新目标八年级下Unit10第五课时Section B (2a-2d)教案
上传者:   加入日期:15-06-15

新目标八年级下Unit10第五课时Section B (2a-2d)教案
Learning Goals:
一、语言知识(常用词汇、短语和表达) Learn and use the following vocabularies: nowadays,search,among,crayon,shame,regard,count,century,according,to,opposite,especially,childhood.
1. Using Previous Knowledge: Guessing what a text is about by using what they already know.
2. Guessing the meaning of the vocabularies according to the context and word-formation.
3. By reading students can master the different reading strategies—scanning and skimming.
Teaching and Learn Steps:
Step I: Pre-reading:
1. Preview
 Look at P78 and put the following into English orally. And then, write them down without looking at the word list.
1.一年一两次   _____________         2.一位46岁的父亲和丈夫  __________________  
3.离开农村去寻找工作_____________         4.怀着极大的兴趣______________________
5.从城市里派老师 ______________       6.总是保持不变_______________________
7.一起在大树下玩耍______________      8.如此快乐的一个童年____________________
2.       Warming up and leading in
T: You like your hometown, don’t you?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: Why?
S1: Because we can have a good time there. When I was a child I played with my friends together.
S2: Because I can swim in the river before.

资料名称: 新目标八年级下Unit10第五课时Section B (2a-2d)教案
文件大小: 9059K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit10
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