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1. M: Do you like game shows?
  W: Game shows? I can’t stand them. Sports are my favorite.
2. M: Can you come to my party tomorrow, Claire?
  W: Sorry, I’m afraid not. I have to help my mother with housework.
3. M: Which one is Tina?
  W: The one with short hair over there.
4. M: Where are you going for vacation, Australia or Canada?
  W: Neither. I’m going to America.
5. M: What bad weather! It’s raining heavily outside.
  W: Well, let’s stay at home and watch TV then..
M: You look tired. Do you usually have a busy time in the evening, Grace?
W: Yes, you see I have to do many things. I just practiced the guitar and did all my homework.
M: Oh, how hard-working you are! When do you get up every morning?
W: At six thirty, and then I take a shower before breakfast.
M: How do you get to school?
W: I ride my bike if it doesn’t rain. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get there.
M: Hey Jane, what do you know about Thanksgiving?
W: Oh, it’s one of the most popular festivals in North America.
M: We don’t really celebrate it in China. I know that it’s in November, though.
W: Yup, the fourth Thursday of November.
M: What do people do on that day?
W: Families and friends get together and share a big meal.
M: What’s special for dinner?
W: At a Thanksgiving Day dinner, Canadians and Americans will eat turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pies. I always enjoy the food!
M: It sounds like a really fun festival! I wonder if it’ll ever become popular here in China.
W: I hope so.
Welcome to Younger Swimming Pool! Do you worry about your weight? Are you tired of boring exercise? Come here! Our swimming pool will be open every day from eight o’clock in the morning till seven thirty in the evening. It costs ten yuan for each person. There is a special cheap price for students. The student price is only five yuan. But don’t forget to bring your student ID card with you. On Wednesday the pool is open only to mothers and babies. It’s cool for mothers to enjoy a quiet time with their babies in the water. Please call us at 0574-88367952 for more information.

资料名称: 宁波市2015年中考适应性英语试卷及答案
文件大小: 659K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 宁波市中考专栏
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