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6. What’s wrong with the woman?
A. She has a headache.    B. She has a fever.     C. She has a cold.
7. What does the doctor advise the woman to do?
A. Drink much water.      B. Have a rest.            C. Stay in bed. 
8. When will the two speakers go to the library?
       A. At 7:30.          B. At 8:00.        C. At 10:30.
9. Why does the girl want to come back before 10:30?
      A. She has a tennis class. 
B. She has a Chinese class.
C. She has an English class.
10. What did Maggie do on Saturday evening?                   
A. She visited her friends.    B. She went to the mountains.
C. She went to the movies.
11. What did she do for her grandparents?              
A. She cooked dinner.
B. She cleaned the room.
C. She washed the clothes.
12. What is the film about?                   
   A. Two doctors.      B. Four Animals.    C. Six students.
13. What does the father probably think of the film?         
A. Boring.           B. Interesting.       C. Terribl e.  
14. What can we know from the speaker?
  A. He goes to many places for work.
B. He started his first work at a college.
C. He makes friends with famous people. 
15. What is the speaker mainly talking about?          
   A. How to collect news. 
   B. How to make a news report.
   C. How to get a job in TV news.

资料名称: 北京市丰台区2015年中考二模英语试题及答案
文件大小: 2018K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 北京市中考专栏
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