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牛津译林版英语7B Unit8 Pets教案(表格式)
上传者:   加入日期:15-06-06

牛津译林版英语7B Unit8 Pets教案(表格式) 2. Then read aloud the new words. Step 3 Look and guess Show some pictures of animals covered some part, then ask for Ss to guess the names of the animals. Then ask Ss to complete Parts A and B on Page 93. Step 4 Practice Show some pictures about animals and let them choose which is their favourite animal and why. Step 5 Listen to the conversation 1. Listen to Eddie and Hobo’s conversation once and answer: Is Eddie happy with his pet? 2. Listen again and answer three more questions: 1) What does Eddie want? 2) What does Hobo think of Eddie? 3) Which dog do you like? Why? 3. Act out the conversation. Step 6 Explanation 1. bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 给某人拿来某物 Will you please bring me some dog food? take sth. to sb. 把某物带(去)给某人 Jim will not come home for lunch today. Please take this lunch box to him. 2. something to eat 一些吃的东西 something to drink 一些喝的东西 注:something 常用于肯定句以及表示请求建议的问句中;而在否定句和疑问句中则要用anything。如: There isn’t ________ to eat in the fridge. Would you like ___________ to drink? 3. watch them swim around 看他们游来游去 watch sb. do sth. 看某人做某事(不能用to do, 即必须省略to) Every day the old man watches the children _________(play) games. 4. sleep on my knees 睡在我的大腿面上 5. feed her carrots 给她喂胡萝卜 6. teach him _______ 教他说话 Step 7 Exercises 一、根据Eddie和Hobo的对话填空。 Eddie is hungry. He asks his pet dog Hobo _______ him _________ to eat. Hobo doesn’t bring him _________ because the pet thinks his master is ________. Eddie has to say it with ‘please’. Eddie thinks he needs _______ a new pet. 二、翻译。 1. 你想吃点什么吗? Would you like __________________? 2. 我们不能把狗带到这来。 We can’t _______________________. 3. 我喜欢看孩子们跳舞。 I like _____________________ dance. 4. 格林先生常在课后教学生打篮球。 Mr. Green often _________________________ after class.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语7B Unit8 Pets教案(表格式)
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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit7
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