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1.A  2.C  3.B  4.A   5.C
6.B  7.B  8.A  9.C  10.B  11.C  12.A  13.A  14.B 15.C
16-20 略
21. 解析 A。此题考查的是人称代词的宾格。句意为:格林先生教我们英语,我们都很爱他。结合动宾关系,这里要填入的是,人称代词 he 的宾格 him。
22. 解析 C。此题考查地点介词,小地点我们要选择介词at,大地点是in,其他选项都不符合题意。
23. 解析 D。此题考查特殊疑问词。根据答语:当然是X-Men。我们可以推断出问句应该是在问,你最喜欢的电影是什么?其他选项都不符合语境。
24. 解析 D。此题考查连词。句意为:Robin是一个出色的演员,并且他也是一个好父亲。and表示并列,用于逻辑为并列关系的句子,在此题中符合语境。
25. 解析 B。此题考查情态动词。句意为,妈妈我能尝尝吗?我恐怕你不能,它太烫了。 Should应该、Need需要、Can能,会、Must必须  根据句意可知答案为C。
26. 解析C。此题考查主将从现。as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。
27. 解析 B。此题考查一般过去时态。根据句意:“谁昨天打扫了教室?李明 ” 前半句出现了 yesterday,断定是过去时,所以用一般过去时态。
28. C考查时态,根据他做这件事for 5 years而且他现在画的很好推断出此处应为现在完成时,所以答案为C。
29. A考查被动语态,云被吹走,排除C、D,而且中有时间标志词last night 所以选择A
30. D考查宾语从句,第一步判断语序,应是陈述语序,排除A、C选项,根据答句before 11:00 a.m. tomorrow选择D。
31.A  此处考查名词。由前面的babysitter可知此空应填children。
32.C  此处考查动词。空后面为smoke,固应选择noticed注意到;watch意为“看”;recognize意为“认出来,承认”;realize意为“认识到,实现”。
33.D  此处考查副词。but表示转折,与“Let’s go”相反,并且下一段第一句为“But John drove up”,所以,选择closer。其他三个选项皆为相反的意思。
34.B。此处考察动词辨析。当时John 、Mary及老太太都在房子外,想要救出孩子,需先进入房子,找到孩子,才能带出,此路线有双向的含义。
A. Find“找到”,只是强调了进入的结果,并没有要“带出”的含义,故不选。
B. Get本身就有双向的含义,即go and bring, 如Could you get me today’s newspaper? 你能帮我拿今天的报纸吗?即“过去拿到再带来”之意。
C. Move“搬”,后面不与人搭配。       
D. Hold “拿”,错因同C。故选B。
35.A  此处考查名词。此空为被困儿童的位置,由下文36空后面bathroom可知选择A。
36.C  此处考查动词。head for 意为“朝...行进”。Look for寻找;care for照料;reach for伸出...以触及。
37.A  此处考查为形容词。frightened害怕的,受惊的;surprised惊奇的,惊讶的;sad悲伤的;sick生病的。根据文章情境,孩子应该是被惊吓到并且几乎窒息,所以选A。
38.D。此处考察动词辨析。需要联系上下文,盲做必死无疑。上文“Mary grabbed his arm and shouted, “John! Don’t go back! That house will fall down in any second!”交代背景,此时已经非常凶险,John如果再进入,会有生命危险。下文修饰“way”的是“down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room”,此处smoke-filled非常关键,意为“浓烟密布的”,一个成人在浓烟中很难睁开眼睛,只能靠摸索前进。最常见的错误选A,“follow one’s way”表示“沿着某人的路”,似乎有道理;
B. go one’s way表示直观的“走出一条路” ,缺乏描述性; 
C. push one’s way “闯出一条路”,常用于人多时的竞争场合,故不选;
D. feel one’s way“摸索一条路”,在眼睛看不见的状况下,用“摸索”更加生动地体现John的搜救过程。故D为最佳选项。
39. B。此处考查介词辨析。原句为“It seemed a century had passed 39 he found both children and started back.” 这个句子主句“It seemed…”为一般过去时,从句“a century had passed 39 he found both children and started back”为过去完成时,表示“在他找到两个孩子  似乎过去了一个世纪”,这是对John救人的?理描写,是救人结束后的有感而发。A. after “在……之后”,B. before “在……之前”,C. when “在……时”, D. until“直到……”。此处强调找孩子的过程非常艰难,故选择B。
40.C  此处考查名词。放低身体试着获得一些空气。固选air。
41.A.细节题,画出关键词Elizabeth和start a medical school.根据Elizabeth定位到第一个框中,根据start a medical school定位到第一段最后一句话,可知答案是A。
42.B.细节题,画出关键词Shirley和1972,根据Shirley定位到第二个框中,根据1972定位到该段最后一句话中In 1972,Shirley ran for President.可知答案选B。
43.D.细节题,画出关键词taught physics和San Diego,定位到第四个框中最后一句话,可知是Sally Rid.e。
44. C. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词Ben Novak is working to 定位到文章第一段Scientist Ben     Novak is working to bring the bird back. 所以答案选C.
45. C. 解析:细节题。 由题干关键词 passenger pigeon become extinct 定位到文章第一段 A century ago, they became extinct(灭绝). 所以答案选C.
46. A. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词 how passenger pigeon live 定位到文章第三段The passenger pigeon lived differently from other birds in America---in flocks(群) made up millions of birds所以答案选A.
47. A. 解析:细节题。由题干关键词 how passenger pigeon help forests 定位到文章第四段The weight of so many birds resting in the trees broke so many branches(树枝). This allowed more sunlight to reach the forest floor, which helped more plants growing.
解析:本篇属于说明文,主要介绍了TEDx Youth能够让孩子们集中交流和分享自己的观点。本篇难度较小,48、49、50题均为细节题,在文中能够直接定位出,51题属于主旨大意题,需要对文章内容有整体的理解。
48、B。解析:此题是细节题。通过“...the main purpose...”
定位文章第一段的最后一句话 “More importantly, it encourages kids to share their ideas with the world.” 选项B中的“to spread kids’ ideas all over the world” 属于同义词替换,所以B选项正确。
    49、D。解析:此题属于细节题。通过“...a volunteer...”定位第三段的最后一句“I thought the event was surprising. I couldn’t believe that kids of my age made the event happen.” 可知答案为D。
    50、B。解析:此题属于细节题。通过题目定位第四段中间部分“Reporters take pictures from the event and post them on line, and send news about what is happening at event, interview some of the speakers, and write articles about the event.”对照四个选项可知,B选项和文中“interview some of the speakers”属于同义词替换,故B选项正确。
 51、C。此题属于主旨大意题。根据文章第一段和最后一段可以分析出,文章主要在介绍TEDx Youth是全世界的孩子们分享自我观点的平台,孩子们可以通过这个平台达到分享观点的目的。由此可知C选项正确。容易造成迷惑的是D选项,文中最后一段的确提及TEDx Youth可以改变观点、生活和世界,但是这并不是全文的主要内容,故排除。
解析:本篇属于论说文,由Kamal Meattle运用植物来清洁室内空气,以及围绕can plants really clean the air展开的论说,主要介绍了植物在清洁空气方面的作用。
52. C
解析:此题属于细节题,通过“after the doctors advised him to leave India”定位在第四段最后一句“He decided to stay, trying instead to solve a society-wide problem that’s become increasingly serious ”,结合首段“Kamal Meattle…grows…to help clean its indoor air”可知society-wide problem是the indoor air pollution problem,所以答案选C项。
53. A
解析:本题属于推理判断题,根据题干the BioHome定位到第七段,由“It later tested the value of the plants to both clean air and recycle waste in building known as the BioHome”可知the BioHome是测试植物对于空气清洁和废物循环的价值的一个地方,不是关于the size of indoor forest的实验、也不是一个项目,所以B、C、D项不正确,选A项。
54. D
解析:此题是推理判断题。结合文章第二段“Kamal Meattle has a special way of cleaning the aircreative and reponsibl”第四段“…he really had no choice but to try something new…He decided to stay, trying instead to solve a society-wide problem that’s become increasingly serious”可知,Meattle富有创新思维和高度责任感,所以应选择D项。
55. A
解析:此题属于主旨大意题。通读全文,Kamal Meattle的special way of cleaning the air,以及围绕can plants really clean the air?展开的论说,我们得知是在介绍植物在清洁室内空气方面的作用,B、D项只是截取文章部分信息、过于片面,C项air polution problem只是细节信息、不是全文说明的对象,所以正确选项应该选A.
56. [B]上文父亲提醒作者今天有Clarinet class,所以此处应选择B,作者想起来今天是有课。
57.[D]上文说I would like to miss class.可知作者是讨厌Clarinet class的,所以此处的“Coming”是作者大喊出来的,表现出不愿意去上竖笛课选择D
58.[E]由“Car traffic”推断出作者此时是在向车窗外看,所以选择E
59.[C]由下文的“What’s important is that I was going to miss class.Great!”可知车等着重新启动对作者来说并不重要,所以此处应选择C
61.答案Community activity is about doing in our community.
  解析:“What is community activity?”题目问社区活动是什么,属于细节题。文章第一段“Community activity is about doing in our community because we want to or we feel we should rather than because we have to.”直接给出定义,可直接得到答案。
62.答案 Positive adults role models
      解析“Who will work with teenagers in community activities?”题目问青少年在社区活动中将和什么人一起工作,属于细节题。文章第四段Role models中“By getting involved with community activities ,teenagers can get a chance to work with positive(积极的) adults role models besides their parents.”中可直接得到答案。
63.答案Being involved in the community activities.
  解析 “What can help create a sense of being connected to the community?”题目问什么能帮助形成存在感是和我们的社区相联系的,属于细节题。文章第五段“Identity and connection”中能找到大概的大体位置,而原文“Being involved in the community activities can give your child a positive way of understanding who he is.”中能得到答案,本题题目中的问句需要转换一种表达方式才能得到答案,考生应注意。
64.答案 Being able to manage free time (while balancing free time,work and study).
  解析“What life skill can teenagers learn in community activities?”题目中问在社区活动中青少年能学到什么生活技能,属于细节题。关键短语“life skill”把答案确定在第六段“skill”中,后面部分的原文中有一句“Being able to manage free time while balancing free time,work and study is an important life skill.Being part of a community activity could help your child to get more organised and start to manage her own time”从此句中得到答案,本题同63题,需要转换方式得到答案。
65.答案.It’s mainly about what is community activity and the benefits of being involved in community activity for teenagers.
  解析“What does the passage mainly talk about?”题目中问到本文章主要说了什么,属于主旨大意题型。文章在开头直接表达了社区活动是什么,而在后面每个分段落都在说社区活动对青少年能有什么好处,所以我们在回答问题中需要提到这两点。此问题在回答过程中学生容易社区活动的好处,应特别注意,并且在表达上确认表达无误。
    Nowadays, more and more middle school students get pocket money from their parents. For my part, we students should have some pocket money. However, we must spend it wisely.
    I have pocket money as well. Usually, I spend most of my pocket money in buying books, for the reason that I am interested in reading. And I spend some money on daily use. You know, sometimes I’d like to hang out with my friends.
    But how can we manage our pocket money better? Here is my advice: on one hand, we’d better make a plan at the beginning of the month. On the other hand, it is important for us to save a proper amount of money each month. As long as you do like this, I believe you can manage pocket money better.

资料名称: 北京市西城区2015年中考二模英语试题及答案(扫描版)
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