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We have been in Australia for three days.We’re having a great time here.Australia is the   76     ( six )largest country in the world.There is so differently to see that it is  77     (不可能的) for me to tell you everything.Sydney is a beautiful city.There are many big trees and beautiful   78      (花朵) around the houses and they look really beautiful.There are also some   79  (特殊的) animals in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas.They are really lovely.
During the past three days we 80      ( visit ) many places of interest around Sydney.I’d like to 81      (花费) more time here, but we will fly to another city, Cairns ,to see coral beds(珊瑚礁)tomorrow.It is said that words cannot  82       (描述)the beauty of the colorful corals.Many famous cartoon films were  83      ( make ) there.Now we are busy packing our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave.We can enjoy 84 (our) in Cairns this time tomorrow.I’m looking forward to 85        ( go )there!
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资料名称: 2015年滕州市滨湖中学九年级水平模拟英语试题(三)及答案
文件大小: 442K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 滕州市中考专栏
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