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1-5. C B C B A         6-10. C B A A C         11-15.B C A B C
16--20.A C B D C              21-25.A B D C A          26-30.D D A B C
三、阅读理解(每小题 2分,满分30分)
31-35.B A D A C      36-4 0.D B A B C              41-45.A C C B D
四、词汇运用(共15小题; 每小题1, 满分15分)
46. considered        47. necessary                48. offer                49. harmful           50. angry
51. equal               52.eating /having           53. enjoy               54. leave               55. ed ucation
56 . energy          57.different                  58.drives               59.awful                60.worth
61. to keep           62. games                     6 3. Wearing          64. whe n               65. down
66. understand      67. for                         68. fewer               69. been injured     70. Hopefully
. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
71-75. C B A D E
One Possible Version
Dear Chairman,
I am a student from Class 1, Grade 9. I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.  Here is my introduction.
As an old saying goes, helping is receiving. Therefore I am always willing to help others. I study hard and often play sports after class, so I am in good condition. In class I am friendly to others and always get ready to help them when necessary. For example I help my classmates with English. Outside school, I also take an active part in helping others, such as helping the elders cross the road, offering seats to people in need and clean up the city parks on weekends.
I’d like to join th e club because I can help more people. Besides, I can also make more friends in the club. I do hope my dream will come true.
I will be glad if I am accepted. Looking forward to your reply.
                                                              L i Ping
1. study hard/ be in good condition
2. be friendly to others/ help with English
3. help the elders cross the road
4. offer seats to people in need
5. clean up the city parks on the weekends.
6. Reason 1
7. Reason 2
第四档(5—7分)能写明少部分或个别要点,语言错误较多,只有个别句子可读、可 看懂。
第五档(0—4分)基本上没有写出内容要点,语言错误多,只有 一些词汇堆积, 不知所云。

资料名称: 宁波市江东区2015届九年级下第二次学业质量英语试题含听力
文件大小: 1997K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 宁波市中考专栏
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