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Part 2  Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary (第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (20)
26. They are searching for the plane’s lost flight recorder. Which of the following is correct for the             underlined word in the sentence?
      A) /lu:st/        B) /lQst/            C) /lXst/            D) /lEJst/
27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?
      A) I cried because of his angry words.          B) This was my last chance to escape.
      C) He was wearing a dark brown jacket.       D) He read by the light of the bedside lamp.
28. Carlos wants to play ______ trick on his classmates, so he hides in the back of the fire truck.
      A) a                          B) an                         C) the                       D) /
29. You can play some mind games to improve your memory and recall huge amounts of ______.
      A) word                    B) information           C) material               D) text
30. Los Angeles is the second ______ city in the US.
      A) large                    B) larger                    C) largest                  D) the largest
31. The journey was not so ______ as we had expected.
      A) good                    B) better                    C) best                      D) the best
32. We were told the pizza would be delivered ______ 20 minutes.
     A) in                         B) for                        C) on                        D) at
33. As a teacher, it’s important that the kids take you ______.
      A) friendly               B) likely                   C) seriously              D) lonely
34. They got tired ______ fighting with each other. They decided to make peace.
     A) for                        B) from                     C) with                     D) of
35. I spent the whole morning ______ with the emails.
      A) deal                      B) dealing                  C) to deal                  D) to dealing
36. You have a choice – you can ______ stay here on your own ______ come with us.
      A) both … and           B) neither … nor        C) either … or           D) not only … but also
37. Children are taught to give their teeth a good brush ______ they go to bed.
      A) if                         B) after                     C) because                 D) before
38. My mother ______ herself busy since she retired from work.
      A) keeps                    B) has kept                C) had kept                D) would keep
39. One day, when Ben ______ with Sam in the street, a motorcycle came towards Ben and         knocked him down.
      A) is walking             B) walked                  C) was walking          D) had walked
40. I remembered everything else ______ I forgot about the beach towels.
      A) or                        B) but                       C) and                       D) so
41. Music and lighting are used to encourage customers ______ more.
      A) buy                      B) buying                  C) to buy                   D) to buying
42. This amazing computer program ______ translate your articles into other languages.
     A) can                       B) may                      C) must                     D) should
43. Sixteen children were killed in the accident. ______ sad their parents would be!
      A) What                    B) What a                  C) What an                D) How
44. Please make sure all the mobile phones ______ off during the performance.
      A) turn                      B) are turned              C) turned                   D) were turned
45. – Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?
   – ______ Anything else I can carry for you?
      A) Of course.                                             B) You’re welcome.
      C) Never mind.                                          D) Not at all.

资料名称: 上海市杨浦区2015届九年级下质量调研(二模)英语试题
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版本年级: 上海市中考专栏
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