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1. M: What do you want to be when you grow up, Mary?
W: I want to be a nurse. I think it is great to help others.
2. M: Hi, Susan. The summer holidays are coming. What are you going to do?
W: I want to take a swimming class.
3. M: There will be a football game this afternoon. It’s between No. 5 Middle School and our school. Do you want to go and cheer for them?
W: Sure. It must be a very exciting game.
4. M: Look at the sign! It says “NO FISHING”.
W: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see it.  
5. M: What did you do last weekend?
W: I had a great time watching a wonderful concert.
听下面两段较长的对话。每段对话后有2~3个小题。请从各题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时 间阅读每个小题;听完后,每个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话读两遍。
M: You’re new here, aren’t you?
W: Yes, I am. Thanks for showing the way to Blue Sky Hotel.
M: You are welcome. You’d better not take a bus there. The bus is very crowded at this time.
W: Then what should I take?
M: Subway is comfortable. It’ll take you about twenty minutes.
W: OK.
M: Can I help you, madam?
W: Yes. I bought this skirt here yesterday. But I found something dirty on it when I got home. I want to change it for a clean one.
M: I’m sorry, but we’ve sold out all the skirts like this.
W: Then I’ll change it for another kind of skirt.
M: I’m sorry, madam. I think we can only try to clean it for you.
W: Well, could I speak to your manager?
M: Yes, sure. I’ll go and see if he’s free.
M: Do you remember the snowstorm in 2008?
W: Yes. It happened in South China. Just before the Spring Festival.
M: Quite a lot of houses fell down, and their owners lost their homes.
W: The traffic was very bad.
M: Where were you at that time?
W: In Shanghai. I wanted to go back to my hometown. There were many people at Shanghai Railway Station. The train stopped very often and it took me five days to get home.
M: During the snowstorm, so many people tried their best to help others in need.
W: Yes. How wonderful those people were!

资料名称: 慈溪市新城初级中学2015年八年级下期中英语试题及答案
文件大小: 2238K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下半期试题
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