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一 单项选择
( )1.Amy can help her mother    her housework.
    A to                   B  for                      C  with             D  in
(  )2. ---What can you do, Eric?
   ---                  .
    A  I like music.                                      B  I want to join the music club.
    C  I can do Chinese kung fu.                   D  That sounds good.
( )3.Susan     her homework at school every evening.
    A don’t             B don’t do           C  doesn’t do   D doesn’t
( )4 ---      do they go to school?
   ---At seven o’clock in the morning.
  A What               B How                      C  What time    D How old
( )5 My Chinese teacher is like a father    me.
  A for                  B  to                        C  at           D  on
( )6.---   do you live from school?
   ---About 20 minutes by bike.
  A How                 B  How long              C  How far         D  How after 
( )7.He is    late for school, because he gets up very    .
  A always; early     B always; late              C never; late         D  usually; early
( )8 There are three   students on the playground.
 A hundred of        B  hundreds               C  hundreds of    D  hundred
( )9.---What animals are from Australia?
   ---        .
  A  Lions             B  Pandas                  C  Koalas   D  Tigers
( )10.I think pandas are     cute.
    A  kinds             B  kind of                 C  kinds of         D  a kind of
( )11.Do you want   for dinner?
  A join in us          B  to join us               C  to join into us        D  join us
( )12.My father likes     a newspaper at night.
  A watching          B reading                    C  seeing                   D  looking
( )13---Where is John?
---He    a CD in the room now.
A listening to       B is listening               C is listening to           D listens to
( )14.---Can you draw?
   ---No,   . But I    play the guitar.
   A I can’t; can’t       B I can’t; can              C  I can; can              D I can; can not
( )15.---I’m going to America for a trip tomorrow.
A See you tomorrow.                               B Good luck!
C That sounds terrible!                             D Have a good time!
( )16.---What’s the time?
---It’s 12:00. Let’s go for      .
    A  breakfast               B  supper            C  lunch            D  dinner
( )17.He goes    work after     breakfast every day.
    A  /; to                      B  /; /                C  the;  a          D  to;  /
( )18.---Can your brother   ?
---Yes, he      .
    A  play the chess; can                              B  play chesses; is
    C  plays chess; is                           D  play chess; can
( )19.---    do you like animals?
---     they are cute.
    A What; So          B What; Because          C Why; Because          D Why; So
( )20.There is   elephant in the zoo.    elephant is from Africa.
    A  a; The           B an; The                          C  an; An           D   a; A
    There is a zoo in my neighborhood. There are many different kinds of  21  in it. I often go there to see them 22 my friends. In the 23  , we can see tigers, elephants, lions, giraffes, pandas, dolphins and many other animals. Some animals are 24  ,such as monkeys, pandas, elephants. People can play with them. But some are dangerous, so they have to stay in 25  . But I don’t think it’s  26  for animas to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in the cages can’t be 27  .
    I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are dolphins. I like 28  them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can  29  a ball. They can stand up and walk on water! They are very  30  to people. If you fall into the water and can’t swim, they may come to help you.
(  )21  A  people           B animals            C children           D  zoos
(   )22  A  with            B  or               C  but                    D   and  
(   )23  A  park            B  zoo              C neighborhood           D  picture
(   )24  A friendly          B  ugly            C quiet                     D  boring
(   )25  A  zoos            B  pools            C rooms                    D  cages(笼子)
(   )26  A  bad            B  good            C  well                    D  clever
(   )27  A  tired           B  happy           C  clever                   D  interesting
(   )28  A  watch          B  to look          C to watch                  D  look at
(   )29  A  play with       B  play             C  to play with          D to play
(   )30  A clever      B  shy                      C  cute                    D  friendly
    It is Sunday. It’s a fine day. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper don’t go to work. Their children don’t go to school.After breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper go out. Now Mr. Cooper is walking in the park. Mrs. Cooper is buying some meat, fruit and vegetables in a big supermarket.
Jennifer is Mr. Cooper’s daughter. Now she is playing computer games in her bedroom. Her cousin Mary is staying with her. She is reading a story book. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper’s son William, with his friends John and Barry, is playing cards in the garden. Outside the garden, there is a small street. There are no buses or taxis on it, only some boys are playing soccer.
(  )31. Mr. Cooper has      children.
A  two               B  three             C  four              D  five
(  )32. Mary is in the        now.
    A park                B supermarket   C bedroom     D garden
(  )33. What’s William doing?
A He is walking in the park.
B He is buy something in the supermarket.
C He is playing soccer with his cousin.
D He is playing cards with his friends.
(  )34.The streets outside the garden is         .
A quiet                 B  big               C  busy              D dangerous
(  )35, Which of the following is true(正确的)?
A Jennifer has a sister.                          B Mary is William’s cousin.
C Barry is reading a storybook.             D Some boys are playing soccer in the park.
Tim is twelve and he is a student. His father is a teacher and his mother is a singer. His parents get up at six o’clock in the morning. They brush their teeth and have showers. Then they have breakfast. Tim gets up at 7:00. He has hamburgers and eggs for breakfast. Tim goes to school with his father. His mother takes the number 23 bus to go to work. His mother works very long hours. The bus usually takes her home at 23:30. People love to listen to her.
(  ) 36. How old is Tim?
    A  10                        B  11                 C 12                   D  13
(  )37 When do his parents get up?
    A  At 5:00                B  At 5:30         C  At 6:00         D  At 6:30
(  ) 38 Does Tim brush his teeth in the morning?
    A  Yes, he does.        B  No, he has a shower.  
       C  We don’t know.    D  Yes, he brushes his teeth.
(  ) 39 What’s Tim’s father?
    A He is a student.        B He is a doctor.      C He is a teacher.   D He is a singer.
(  ) 40 Why do people love to listen to Tim’s mother?
   A  Because she plays the piano well.    B  Because she sings well.
   C  Because she dances well.           D  Because she plays basketball well.
Dear Tom,
    Thank you very much for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument(乐器). Now I tell you. I like swimming very much, and I like volleyball, basketball and ping-pong. Swimming is my favorite sport. I am good at chess, too. My favorite instrument is violin. I like playing the violin every weekend. What about you?What’s your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin? Who is your favorite player? And who is your favorite musician? Please tell me. I want to hear from you again.
(  )41 Helen’s favorite sport is             .
    A  basketball             B volleyball                C  ping-pong      D  swimming
(  )42 Can Helen play chess well?
    A No, she can’t.           B  Yes, he can’t.         C Yes, she can.     D No, he can’t.
(  ) 43 What does she want to know about Tom?
 A  She wants to know about if he likes to play the violin.
 B  She wants to know about what’s his favorite sport.
 C  She wants to know about who’s his favorite player or musician.
 D  A, B and C.
(  ) 44        is Helen’s favorite instrument.
 A  Piano                     B  Violin                  C  Trumpet        D  Drum
(  ) 45 Which is not right according to the letter?
  A  The letter is from Tom.
   B  Helen wants to know about Tom’s favorite sport and instrument.
  C  Helen likes swimming and playing the violin.
  D  The letter is to Tom.

资料名称: 潍坊地区2014-2015年七年级下期中学业水平英语试题及答案
文件大小: 547K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版七年级下期中试卷
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