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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit6 topic 3 section D导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-04-18

课题: Unit6 Enjoy Cycling Topic 3
 Section D(第4课时 )
   备课人:高艳芬  审核人:              班级:            学生:      
1.Be able to remember these new words and phrases:
vehicles sadness sharp avoid hotline helmets fine …
2. Be able to read the two passages and answer the questions.
3. Be able to know the cyclist and the famous bicycle race.
4. Be able to learn the spirit of the cyclist :Lance Armstrong.
T: bicycles are popular. It has many advantages. There are many famous cyclists and bicycle races in the world. Now ,we will learn about them.
achievement ____   cyclist _____   path ____   success _________
smooth ________ challenge _________ cancer __________ led_______
altitude ________ stage _______
1. Use a dictionary to look up the words in page 45 and find out their meanings.
Then read the passage to check their meanings.
At last, answer the questions according to 1a.Finish 1b.
2. Read the passage in p47 1a, then finish 1b.
1.  By 1996, he was one of the top cyclists in the world.
2.  However, his path to success was not smooth.
3.  Like the other challenges in his life, he faced it head-on.
4.  He went on winning….
5.  It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record.
6.  How did he deal with the challenges in his life?
7.  What do you think of him?
8.  It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the international Cycling Union.
Answer the questions :
Who is Lance Armstrong?    What do you think of him?
What should we learn from him?
1.  If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.
2.  If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes
3.  If we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger.
4.  It is to easy to park.
5.  To avoid hitting the truck, the young man ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly.
6.  It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record.
二,Discuss how to avoid traffic accidents and then write a report.:
We should never drive too fast. If we drive a car in our country, we must drive on the right- hand side of the road.……                                                                         
SectionA:   1. to park   2. to spit   3. to explore    4.passengers  5. saw   6. more confident
Section B  1.sadness, death  2.was riding, listening, an  3.hitting  4.riding  5.parking, park
 6.not go   7.if  8.if  9.if /whether
Section C 1.If,feel happy, clap   2.If, obeys, be safer  3.air pollution 
 4.is good for, heath   5.millions of
Section D 1.如果大家都遵守交通规则,那么交通事故将很少发生。


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