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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit6 topic 1 section A导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-04-18

课题: Unit6 Topic1 SectionA
2、学习动词不定式“to do”的用法。
查明_______   field ________     vehiche_______ task ________   筹集 _______  讨论_______   sunrise________  飞机  ________     决定________   合计 _______
(二) 合作探究
1、It’s hard to say.
2、Your task is to find out the cost by bus.
3、I have some exciting news to tell you!
你能举几 个类似的例子?
(三) 回归课文
⑵听1 a ,回答下列问题。
① Where will they go ?____________________
②How do you they decide on their best way to get here?________________________________
⑶找出1a中含有'to  do '句子,教师举更多例子讲解。
3.完成1b,练习' to do '用法,小组讨论说出自己的观点,谈谈去泰山的最好方式及原因。
I think the best way to go to Mout Tai is________________.
It costs ________.It takes _______________to get there.
A、 根据首字母提示填空。
1. 1.Which v_______do you like best ,bus ,car or trair?
2. 2.Can you see a sheep eating  grass in the green f______?
3. 3.If you add 30 and 45 the t_______is 75.
4. 4.We d______to go there by airplane.
5. 5.We r_______money for the poor children.
(  )1.Lucy wants to have a _______visit to the Great Wall. She is excited.
A. two-days  B.two- day   C.twodays   D.two day
(     )2.Which is the best_____to go to Mout taiby bus,by train or by air?
A.way  B.  hour     C.time    D.idea
(     )3.How much____it cost to Beijing by plane?      500 yuan.
A.cost   B. does  C. is  D. costs
(     )4.What a beautiful sweater!How much did you _____for it?
A.take     B.cost    C.pay  D.spend
(     )5.All the children like Mr.White very much because he often makes them______.
Laughed   laugh  laughing    to laugh
(     )6._____kind girl Nancy is!
Yes,she is always ready to help others.
A.What   B.What a  C.How   D.How a
(     )7.Why not swim in the river?
Oh,no.Our teacher told us______here.It's dangerous.


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