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上传者:   加入日期:15-04-17

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(第3课时)
1. Teach vocabulary words.
2. Target languages:
Where are lions from?
Lions are from South Africa.
Enable the students to say where some animal are from.
Help the students to say where some animals are from.
Help the students to say where some animals are from.
1. Teach vocabulary words.
2. Target languages:
Where are lions from?
Lions are from South Africa.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Free talk and lead-in
Show the students some pictures and ask some questions.
Show the first picture with a panda in it.
Show other pictures of animals and ask questions and go on with others in the same way.
Step 2.Match work (3a)
Ask the students to read the maps and the animals in activity 3a.
Let the students look at the three animals.
Let the students match the countries and the animals.
Move around the classroom to see if the students need help.
Ask the students to draw lines to match the maps with the pictures.
Step 3. Pair work(3b)
Ask the students to read the conversation in activity 3b.
Ask the students to work in pairs and ask and answer questions.
Step 4. Game
Ask the students to read the list of countries and animals.
Let the students look at the list of countries and animals and find a person to translate the list of countries and animals into Chinese.
Show the students how to play the game.
Play the recording for the first time.
Play the recording again and check the answers by replaying the tape.
Ask the students to practice talking about where animals come from in Activity 3a.


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 【人教安徽】2018年春七年级英语下第5单元ppt习题课件 18-04-02

 人教新目标七年级下Unit5单元检测试卷含答案 18-03-13

 2018年新目标七年级下Unit5单元检测卷含听力mp3(有答案) 18-03-11

 人教版七年级下Unit5 Section B Period 1课件(共18张PPT) 17-05-29

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 人教版七年级英语下Unit5单元检测卷含答案 17-05-03

 新目标七年级下Unit5单元同步练习含答案(含单元核心词汇) 17-05-03

 新目标七年级下Unit5 Section B reading课件(共27张PPT) 17-04-10

 新目标七年级下Unit5 self check练习(含答案) 17-04-06


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小学语文 小学数学 小学英语
小学科学 初中语文 初中数学
初中英语 初中科学 初中物理
初中化学 初中生物 道德法治
初中历史 初中地理 高中语文
高中数学 高中英语 高中物理
高中化学 高中生物 高中政治
