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Unit4 Wild animals Main task教案(牛津8A)
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《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Main task 常州市24高晓娟
二、教学内容: 8A Unit 4 Wild animals   
三、课型:Main task
四、 教学目标
1)能通过 ‘Report: Giant pandas are in danger’的阅读了解写大熊猫的五个方面。
2)能从五个方面写一篇关于 ‘Report: Animals are in danger’的文章。
Part One Lead- in     
Hello, everyone. Today we arre going to learn Unit 4 Main task. 同学们,今天我们将要学习第四单元的中心任务。
In this unit, we learned a lot about wild animals. We knew their appearance, ability, character, and danger they meet. 这一单元我们了解了许多关于野生动物的知识,我们知道了他们的外貌,能力,性格和他们面临的危险。
After learning, we should know how to write a report.
First, say something about giant pandas.
Part Two Structure through reading   
Many wild animals are in danger. For example, the giant pandas. So the Wild Animal Club is asking its members to write about this problem for the club newsletter. Here is Millie’s report on giant pandas. Please open your book, turn to page 71, please read it as quickly as you can.
Try to fill in the blanks.
Baby pandas
Giant pandas
1 ____________
look like white mice
beautiful black and white animals
look like bears
2 ____________
quiet and peaceful animals
3 ____________
drinkmum’s milk
eat bamboo shoots and leaves
4 ____________
There are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world because their living areas are becoming farmland.
If farmers keep taking the land, they will have nowhere to live.
If people hunt them for their fur, then there will be no giant pandas.
5 ____________
Write to newspapers and magazines about the giant pandas in China.
Tell people about the problems.
1. Appearance     2. Character     3. Food     4. Problems     5. Actions
Part Three Outline    
After reading Millie’s report, we know that if we want to write a report, we need to collect the information. If Daniel also wants to write a report on bears for the Wild Animal Club, first he needs to collect some information. What kind of information does he need?
How can we write a report on an animal in danger?
Paragraph 1 — Appearance
Paragraph 2 — Ability
Paragraph 3 — Character
Paragraph 4 — Food  
Paragraph 5 — Danger
Part Four Writing    
By the way, Do you know something about bears. I know that they have sharp paws. And they can walk upright. (教学生词 paw, upright) I think you are interested in bears, let’s know more about bears. Open your books, turn to page 72. please read the notes about bears carefully.
After reading the notes about bears. Please open your books, turn to page 72, help Simon complete the report with the notes in Part B. I think it’s very easy for you to finish it. Now let’s check the answers.
Answers to Part C on page 72
1 Bears     2 big     3 strong     4 small     5 black     6 sharp    7 walk upright                         8 swimming     9 climbing trees     10 move     11 daytime    12 seldom    13 fur                                       
14 paws      15 there will be no bears in the world
Read the report together. 请同学们记住每段的内容,对我们的写作非常有用。
Part Five Practice    
Please turn to page 68, look at the notes about tigers, try to write a report: Tigers are in danger! You can use the following sentence structures:
Paragraph 1 — Appearance
Tigers are…  They have…
Paragraph 2 — Ability
Tigers can…  They are good at…
Paragraph 3 — Character
Bears like to…
Paragraph 4 — Food  
Tigers eat …
Paragraph 5 — Danger
Sadly, …
One Sample:
ReportTigers are in danger!
Tigers are big and strong. They have bright eyes. They have yellow fur and black stripes. They are beautiful.
Tigers can run very fast. They are good at hunting other animals.
Tigers live as a family until baby tigers are 2-3 years old. They usually live alone.
They eat other animals.
Now tigers are in danger because hunters hunt them for their fur and bones.
We should do something to help them.
1. Read the report on giant pandas several times.
2. Write a report on wild animals in danger.


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