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Unit4 Wild animals Reading2教案(牛津8A)
上传者:   加入日期:08-12-13

 《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 4 Wild animals Reading2
一 教学目标
 2) 学习掌握重点语言知识点

Step one Revision

1 Say something about giant pandas
2 Finish the table about the growth of Xiwang
3 Review what danger giant pandas meet and what actions we can take
4. Fill in blanks with proper forms.

Step two language points

Explain the following language points to students

1. be in danger.
Many wild animals are in danger.
2. weigh v.    weight  n.
3.encourage sb to do sth.
The English teacher always encourages me to speak more in class.
4. following  adj.
We must take the following  actions to learn English well.
5. have nowhere to live
If farmers cut down trees and forests,  giant pandas will have nowhere to live.
6. at the very beginning
At the very beginning, I didn’t like maths.
7. up to
Tortoises can live up to 150 years . 
8. Survive v.
Sadly, it’s difficult for wild animals to survive in the wild.
9. for the first time
She borrowed some books from the school library for the first time.
10. on one’s own
These children will live in foreign countries on their  own in the future.
Step three  exercises
Ask students to do some additional translation.


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