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牛津9A Unit1 Integrated skills教案
上传者:   加入日期:08-12-12

Period   (7)
教学题目:9A Unit 1 Integrated skills
教学课时:Period 7
教学部分:Page 18-19
Step 1 Lead in
1. The teacher first says something what happened to himself or herself last month.
2. Ask students:
What happened to you last month?
Do you know what will happen to you next month?
T: How can we know what will happen?
 Maybe you can predict something about you with the help of star signs.
Step 2 What will happen to Millie?
A) Mr. Zhang’s prediction
1. Today let’s read something about Millie’s predictions.
2. Read the forecast and learn something about Millie. Practice the useful expressions.
3. Try to complete Millie’s notes with as much information as possible. (Part A1)
4. Listen to the tape and finish filling the blanks. (Part A1)
5. Check the answers by reading the notes one sentence by one sentence.
6. Finish the table on PPT
7. Read the article together.
B) Amy’s prediction
8. Amy is making some predictions for Millie as well. Listen to the tape, first answer some questions:
1). What will mainly happen to Millie this month?
2). What will she get?
3). What will she have fun in?
4). What should Millie do with the money?
5). What problems will she have when seeing a new film?
9.  And then complete Amy’s predictions.
10. Check the answers together, finish the table on PPT, and compare Mr. Zhang’s predictions.
Step 3 Discussion:
1. Whose prediction do you prefer, Mr. Zhang’s or Amy’s? Why?
2. (Divide the class into groups of four. Give each of the group a list of description about stars.
Let the students tick out the proper description of their own. )
  After you read the description about stars, do you like your prediction?
3. Would you like to make your own prediction?
(Make and exchange their own predictions in groups.)
4. What do you think of predictions? Are they believable or unbelievable?
--- We make predictions just for fun.
Step 3 Speak up
1.Show students the teacher’s prediction. Help the teacher predict if he or she will be a chairperson.
2.The Students’ Union needs a new chairperson. Let’s see who may or may not be suitable for the post? First, look at the first person—Peter. (Then, the second person –Suzy; the last person – David ) 
Qs: What kind of person is Peter/ Suzy/ David?   What does (not) he/ she like to do?
Then finish the table.
3.Listen to the tape and repeat. Try to find out the suitable person.
4.Make a similar dialogue in pairs about Suzy and David.
5. Practice the useful expressions.
Step 4 Homework
1. Do some exercises.
2. Make a dialogue about your next month’s prediction.


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