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湘教版九年级上Unit4 Topic 1随堂小测及答案
上传者:陈美珍001   加入日期:08-09-03

九(上)Unit 4 Topic 1 随堂小测
Class_____    Name __________   Score______
I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词(每小题4分,满分20分)
1.The success of launching Chang’e I has p_______ that China has made great progress in developing its space industry.
2. There is some d_________ whether the Internet will cause problems for humans.
3. It’s an h__________ to be invited here today.
4. From the i__________ of the book, readers can know about its main idea.
5. You won’t disturb others if you c__________ a headset to the MP3 player.
II. 翻译词组,补全句子(每小题4分,满分20分)
1._______ ________ (例如), if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.
2. Most of the people were ________ _______ (被感动) the moving film.
3. _______ ______ (点击) “Send”, your e-mail will be sent to your friends.
4. Astronauts add water to fried food to make it wet _________ ________. (以便于) no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceship’s controls.
5. We _________ __________ (轮流) to take care of the disabled child last term.
III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)
1. 费俊龙说他们忍不住再三地看了地球。
  Fei Junlong said that they _______ _______ ________ at the earth ______ ______ _______.
  When tiny computers ________ _________ inside people’s bodies, they ________ their hearts _________ well.
3. 毫无疑问,电脑在技术和商业领域很有使用价值。
  _______ ______ _______ _______ that computers are very useful _____ _________ and business.
4. 李老师常建议说我们要掌握好电脑技术,并使之为我们将来更美好的生活而服务。
  Mr Li often ______ us ______ ______ computer technology well and ______ ______ ______ our _______ better in the future.
5. 代替用纸写信,人们可以通过发电子邮件工上网聊天进行交流。
  People _____________ by __________ e-mails and __________ on line ________ _______ __________ letters __________ paper.
IV. 选择题(每小题2分,满分30分)
(    ) 1. We advised him not to eat ____ candy.
        A. too many      B. too much     C. much too
(    ) 2. ____ speaking, your plan about our summer vacations is pretty good.
        A. In general       B. General       C. Generally
(    ) 3. Thanks ____ the developed technology, the computers are ____ thinner and thinner.
        A. to, make        B. to, made         C. for, making
(    ) 4. ____ computers are helpful in our lives, ___ they are bad for our eyes.
        A. Though, /        B. Although, but      C. Though, but
(    ) 5. ---I’m sorry, Mr Chen. May I ____ the orders which I ____ last month ?
       --- It doesn’t matter, you have the right.
        A. cancel, placed     B. cancel, canceled      C. place, canceled
(    ) 6. Tom is often ____ his homework ____.
        A. asked to do, carefully   B. asked to do, careful   C. asks to do, carefully
(    ) 7. The modern medical technology _____ save the patients’ lives.
        A. is widely used for      B. are wide used to    C. is widely used to
(    ) 8. You’ve _____ such great progress that all of us ____ you.
        A. taken, are pride of     B. made, are proud of    C. done, proud of
(    ) 9. His car is often ____ by the police because he always ____ too fast.
        A. stop, drives      B. stopped, drives    C. stopped, drive
(    ) 10. Our hearts ____ together ____ love, so we feel so ____.
        A. were connected, with, happily     B. are connected, by, happily
        C. are connected, by, happy
(    ) 11. Children couldn’t help ____ computer games over and over again.
        A. playing       B. to play         C played
(    ) 12. There is no ____ that computers play an important role in the space industry.
         A. question         B. doubt          C. problem
(    ) 13. ---Would you please speak slowly ? I can hardly ____ you.
         ---Sorry, I will.
         A. talk with       B. follow          C. hear of
(    ) 14. Since the Internet ____, the way of people’s life has changed greatly.
         A. come into being     B. came into being    C. went to being
(    ) 15. We are often told ____ at people in trouble.
         A. not to smile        B. to laugh       C. not to laugh
九年级(上)英语Unit 4 Topic 1 小测答案
I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词(每小题4分,满分20分)
 1. proved  2. doubt   3. honor   4. introduction  5. connect
  II. 翻译词组,补全句子(每小题4分,满分20分)
1. For instance / example   2.moved by   3. Click on   4. so that  5.took turns
III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)
 1. couldn’t help watching, again and again
   2. are placed, keep, beating
   3. There is no doubt, in technology
   4. advises, to master, make it serve , lives
   5. communicate, sending, chatting, instead of writing, on
  IV. 选择题(每小题2分,满分30分)
 1----5 BCBAA   6---10 ACBBC   11---15 ABBBC


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