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湘教版九年级上Unit3 Topic 2随堂小测及答案
上传者:陈美珍001   加入日期:08-09-03

九(上)Unit 3 Topic 2 随堂小测
Class_____    Name __________   Score______
I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词(每小题4分,满分20分)
1. Most of the time, people from the USA and England don’t have much d____________ in understanding each other.
2. Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in p_____________.
3. As we know, English is widely used a_____________ the world.
4. There is an e______________ of happiness on her face.
5. He s___________ in passing the final exam. He was so happy.
II. 翻译词组,补全句子(每小题4分,满分20分)
1.The car is quite good. ________ ________ (至于) the price of it, I think it’s too high.
2. Today we can use the Internet __________ _________ (代替) a library to find all kinds of information for our homework.
3. The English language has ________ _______ (吸取) many new words from other languages.
4. Sometimes the meaning can change, ___________ __________ (取决于) the country where it is spoken.
5. In Disneyland, children love seeing famous cartoon charactors ________ _________ (亲自).
III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)
  ________ ________ _________, I’m ________ __________ Disneyland tomorrow.
2. 总之,如果你想成功地表达自己的意思,你需要知道其中的一些不同之处。
  ________ ________ _________, if you want to _________ _______ _________ ____________ ___________, you need to know some of these ____________.
3. 所以这种语言从世界的一个地方到另一个地方渐渐地发生了变化。
  So the language changed _________ _________ __________ from one part of the world to ___________.
4. 很久以前,许多英国人被迫离开家园到其它地方。
  Long ago, many ___________ people _________ __________ ______ __________ their country ________ some other __________.
  5. 当你见到一个外国人大姆指向上伸出时,你最好停车让他搭乘。
  When you see a foreigner _________ _________ his hand with his thumb ________, you had better stop the car and let him __________ ________.
IV. 选择题(每小题2分,满分30分)
(    ) 1.---Shall we go and _____ hello to the math teacher ?
        ---Good idea! Let’s go.
        A. say        B. speak         C. talk
(    ) 2. Can you tell me how the accident ______ just now ?
        A. came about      B. take place          C. happens
(    ) 3. ---You look excited.
        ---I am ! I _____ abroad with my teacher next week.
        A. am going to       B. have gone to      C. am going
(    ) 4. The girl living next door to me is fond _____. She sings all the time.
        A. at singing        B. of singing         C. to sing
(    ) 5. I’m on my way ____ the airport. My parents are with me _______.
         A. to, to see me off      B. in, seeing me off     C. to, to see off me
(    ) 6. I don’t think Jane can come, ______?
         A. do I       B. can’t she       C. can she
(    ) 7. He isn’t an honest man. _____ he _____, I won’t believe him.
        A. No matter what, will say    B. However, is going to say
        C. Whatever, says
(    ) 8. Maria _____ shy, but now she is quite outgoing. She has made lots of friends.
        A. used to be       B. is used to be        C. was used to be
(    ) 9. ---I’m going to Hangzhou for my holiday next month.
        --- _________.
        A. Have a good time!     B. Best wishes to you!   C. Congratulations!
(    ) 10.---What does this gesture mean ?
        ----It means “_____”.
         A. Please be quiet.      B. Calm down.       C. I’m just kidding.
(    ) 11. ---I’m afraid of getting lost in the city.
         ---_______. You can buy the guide book, A Tour in the city.
         A. It’s quite all right.     B. That’s all right.      C. You’re right.
(    ) 12. ---Stop the car, please.
         ---Look at his gesture! He is asking for a ride.
         A. What is it        B. What’s up         C. I beg your pardon
(    ) 13. Guess the meaning of the following e-mail English which means “face to face”?
         A. GR8          B. BTW         C. F2F
(    ) 14. Japan is not _____ country.
         A. an English-spoken    B. an English-speaking   C. a speaking English
(    ) 15. –What do you mean by putting your two fingers like this ?
        ---It means “_____”.
       A. Have a victory.      B. I’m puzzled.      C. I’ll phone you.
九年级(上)英语Unit 3 Topic 2 小测答案
I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词(每小题4分,满分20分)
 1. difficulty    2. pronunciation   3. around    4. expression   5. succeeded
  II. 翻译词组,补全句子(每小题4分,满分20分)
1. As for    2. instead of    3. taken in    4. depending on   5. in person
III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)
 1. By the way, flying to
   2. In a word, succeed in making yourself understood, differences
   3. little by little, another
   4. British, were forced to leave, for places
   5. putting out, raised, get in
  IV. 选择题(每小题2分,满分30分)  
1----5 BACBA   6---10 CCAAB   11----15 ABCBA


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