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上传者:reader26[转载]   加入日期:07-10-12

A: Would you like to come to dinner this evening?
B: I’d love to. But how can I get there?
A: Let me tell you. You can take the No. 3 bus. The bus stop is in front of the post office. You get off on Xinhua street, when you can see a Movie House on your left and the bank on the right. Then you walk on and turn left at Center Street, just across from the Food Store, there is a building. It’s the library. My house is next to the library.

资料名称: 启蒙中学冀教版初三英语试题(1)
文件大小: 1353K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版九年级上期末试卷
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