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上传者:   加入日期:07-10-04

7A 听力练习三
(    )1. A. Do you want to have any time this evening?
       B. Can you have any time this evening?
       C. Are you free this evening?
(    )2. A. How much do the notebooks pay?
       B. How much are the notebooks?
       C. How much do you spend the notebooks?
(    )3. A. I have no money to buy a computer.
       B. I am very poor.
       C. I am not rich enough to buy a computer.
(    )4. A. Mr. Wu’s birthday is coming up.
       B. Mr. Wu is asking Daniel to come to his birthday party.
       C. Daniel is asking Mr. Wu to come to his birthday party.
(    )5. A. Tom lives in the next classroom.
       B. Tom is my neighbour.
       C. Tom opens the next door for me.

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版本年级: 牛津7A听力训练
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 牛津7A听力训练2 07-10-04

 牛津7A听力训练4[答案] 07-10-04

 牛津7A听力训练5 07-10-04


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