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上传者:jialou1963[原创]   加入日期:07-09-20

I.Choose the best answer:
(  )1.The magazine___be Lily’s.Look,her name is on its cover.
A.may   B.might   C:could   D:must
(  )2.Don’t____the ball on the ground.It’s made of glass.  
A:fall   B:drop   C:put   D:place
(  )3.The road was covered with sand__the heavy sandstorm.
A.because of   B.because   C.for   D.as
(  )4. He has ________ to tell us.
A. some interesting thing      B. some things interesting
C. something interesting       D. interesting something
(  )5.Who does this watch___?It’s Linda’s. A.be B.belong to C.belong D.have

资料名称: 新目标九年级上Unit5单元测试题
文件大小: 5K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit5
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