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上传者:beth_1975[原创]   加入日期:07-09-15

班级_______  姓名_______
一. 根据首字母或中文提示,完成单词。(10分)
1. She works in a police station. She is a p________
2. Koalas sleep d_______ the day, but at night they get up and eat leaves.
3. Are there many a_______ in Beijing Zoo?
4. My mother is sleeping please be q______.
5. There is a m_____ near our home. My mother often goes to buy vegetables there.
6. “What are you doing? ” “ I am _______(写) a letter.”
7. “How is the weather in Shanghai?” “It is ___________.”(多云)
8. If you are tired, you can go to the ___________(花园)to take a walk.
9. I am very _________(感到惊讶的) he can swim.
10. “Do you like ___________ (看)newspaper?” “Yes, I do.

资料名称: 人教版七年级英语下学期期中试卷
文件大小: 7K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 人教版七年级下半期试题
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