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牛津8A Unit2 School life (Reading) 教案
上传者:   加入日期:07-09-10

Unit 2  School life (Reading)
Background information:
Chinese students are not familiar with school lives in other countries. In this section, students will learn something about school lives in Britain and America. After reading, they can compare three kinds of school lives, Chinese school life, British school life and American school life.
Teaching Aims: 
1. To train students’ reading ability
2. To understand feelings and opinions
3. To identify specific information about school life
Teaching Important Points:
1. Improve the students’ reading ability and help them understand the passage exactly.
2. Learn and master the following phrases:
  in Year8,do things for oneself, near the end of each class, as well, enjoy this a lot, spend…doing , learn…about, have a great time doing .
Teaching Difficult Point:
Help students further understand the passage and write a passage about their own school lives.

资料名称: 牛津8A Unit2 School life (Reading) 教案
文件大小: 5K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit2
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