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牛津7B Unit1 阅读理解练习
上传者:x1x2d3d4[原创]   加入日期:07-08-21

7B Unit 1 阅读理解练习
江苏省徐州市城东中学[221131]  曹卫国
    I think everyone has a dream. My dream is to have a large home. I don’t like living in the city. So the home is in the country, but not far from the city of Nanjing. On the ground floor, there is a training room and a swimming poor. I can play table tennis, basketball and badminton there. And I can also swim there. After training, I can have a shower and a bath with my friends. So there must be a bathroom. On the second floor, there is a computer room and a reading- room. And there is a bedroom. Then I can go to bed there.
     Now, what’s on the first floor? We will have meals. So there is a kitchen and a dining-room there. And we can watch TV, play cards, listen to the music and so on. Welcome to my home to be the guests.
Read the passage carefully. And Fill in the blanks with “T” if the sentence is true or “F” if it is false according to the passage.
(   ) 1. My dream home is a flat with four floors. 
(   ) 2. The home is near the capital of Jiangsu province
(   ) 3. The bedroom is on the first floor.
(   ) 4. We can often have meals on the second floor.
 (   ) 5. I’m friendly to my friends.
1.F  2.T  3.F  4.F  5.T


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