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牛津7B Unit1完型填空题练习
上传者:x1x2d3d4[原创]   加入日期:07-08-21

7B Unit 1完型填空题练习
江苏省徐州市城东中学[221131]  曹卫国
    I’ll go on a travel to the capital of our country next week. I want to travel   1  train. I will arrive   2   Beijing   3   Sunday, the   4   of May. I’m going to have a free day first, because I’ll be tired   5   the long train trip. I want to go shopping on Tuesday. I’ll buy some gifts   6   my friends and the members of my family. I will go to the Great Wall on   7  . Then I’ll visit the Summer Palace on Thursday, the   8  .Next day I’ll pay a visit to the Space Museum. It will take me one day to visit the Palace Museum .Finally, I will come back on    9   .Because I must go to work on Monday. Do you think the one-week visiting sounds    10  ?
1. A. on          B. by          C. with      D. in
2. A. in          B. to           C. at         D. on
3. A. in          B. at           C. to         D. on
4. A. seventeen   B. seventieth     C. seventh    D. seven
5. A. after        B. before       C. if         D. when
6. A. to          B. in          C. on         D. for
7. A. Tuesday     B. Wednesday   C. Thursday   D. Friday
8. A. eleventh     B. twelfth      C. ninth       D. thirteenth
9. A. Tuesday     B. Saturday    C. Sunday      D. Friday
10. A. well       B. great       C. beautifully    D. happily
答案:1.B   2. A  3. D   4. C   5. A   6. D   7. B  8. A  9. C   10. B


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