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1、  What would you like ___________(drink)?
2、  Look! Andy is _________(lie) on his bunk bed.
3、  Which apple do you want? I’d like the ___________(big) one.
4、  He comes from __________(English), and he can speak __________(china).
5、  China is one of the strongest ___________(country) in the world.
6、  I enjoy ____________(chat) with my friends on the Internet.
7、  I have a ___________(wood) pencil box.
8、  Our neighbours are _______________(friend) and we are happy here.
9、  Look! They are playing games _________(happy).
10、  She climbs a ladder ____________(get) into her bedroom.
11、  He came ___________(forty) in the match.
12、  Do you like ___________(wood) chairs?
13、  A garden is the ____________(good) place to grow flowers.
14、  My dream home is quite different from ___________(she).
15、  He needs at ___________(little) fifty books for the children.
16、  Helen comes from ____________(French).
17、  Most children like to have their own _________(toy).
18、  What __________ they __________(do) while their parents do the cooking in the kitchen?
19、  Jack, ___________(not be) afraid. I will be with you at that time.
20、  -__________ it often ___________(rain) here last year? –Yes, it ________.

资料名称: 牛津7B英语Unit1综合练习(词组、填词、改错)
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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit1
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