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牛津3B Unit 7 练习二
上传者:   加入日期:07-06-01

Unit 7 练习二    姓名__________
(     )1.Su Hai找不到爷爷了。
A.Su Hai can’t find her father.
B.Su Hai can’t find her grandfather.
C.SU Hai can’t find his grandmother.
(     )2.Su Yang问Su Hai故事书在哪儿?
A.I can’t find my storybook.      B.Where’s my copybook?
C.Excuse me,where’s my storybook?
(     )3.David发现Nancy在卧室里。
A.She’s in the bedroom.      B.He’s in the bedroom
C.She’s in the bathroom.
(     )4.Mike问David的外套哪儿去了?
A.Where’s my coat?        B.Where’s your coat?
C.Where’s your jacket?
(     )5.Nancy问David照相机在哪儿,David不知道。
A.I can’t find it.           B.Excuse me,I don’t know.
C.Sorry,I don’t know.
1.A.Come in,please.  B.Where’s she?   C.May I come in?
 D.Thank you.  E.I can’t find Helen.  F.She’s in the kitchen.
2.A.Is it in your pencil box?   B.Mum,I can’t find my tape.
 C.Yes.Thank you.Mum.      D.Let me see.It’s in your bag.
 E.Where is it?             F.No,it isn’t.


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