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[高考听力]Longer Conversations 训练1
上传者:   加入日期:06-06-25

Part B Longer Conversations
In Part B, you will hear two longer conversations.    After each conversation, you will be asked two questions.    The    conversations will be read twice, but the questions will only    be spoken once.    When you hear a question, read the four    possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation.

A. To take money from a bank.
B. To cash his checks in a bank.
C. To get some information about RMB.
D. To know about the exchange rate.

A. In hundreds.
B. In hundreds and tens.
C. In fifties and tens.
D. In hundreds and fifties.

Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation.

A. Hotel clerks.
B. Professors.
C. Students.
D. Park employees.

A. Buy it.
B. Rent it.
C. Borrow it.
D. Make it.

11. B 12. D 13. C 14. B



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