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1. Where are the two speakers?
A. In a plane            B. At the airport.        C. At the railway station.
2. How many chairs are needed?
A. 13.                    B. 14.                C. 15.
3. Where is the man now?
A. In Washington.        B. In New York.        C. In Boston.
4. Why did the man apologize?
A. He had lost the dictionary.
B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.
C. He had forgotten to tell Mr. Smith to bring the dictionary.
5. What does the man mean?
A. He doesn’t like Japanese food.            B. He doesn’t want to eat out.
C. He wants to pay.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 在听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. How many people are there in the dialogue?
A. 2.                        B. 3.                            C. 4.
7. What are the man and the woman doing?
A. They are going to take a plane to somewhere.                  
B. They are meeting Susan at the airport.
C. They are seeing Susan off.
8. Where is Susan?
A. She is in the plane.                  B. She is at the plane gate.        
C. She is getting on the plane.
9. What job does the man want?
A. Cook.                B. Computer programmer.        C. Cameraman.
10. Where does the man work?
  A. In a restaurant.        B. For a computer company.        C. At a school.
11. Why does the man want a new job?
  A. He’s bored.                        B. He quit his job                
C. He wants more money.
12. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?
     A. 11.                B. 12.                        C. 13.
13. What does his mother do?
     A. She owns a beauty salon B. She runs a small family store.  
C. She works at a bread shop.
14. Which thing does Pancho NOT say?
     A. His brothers and sisters help his mom.  
B. His mom sells food like eggs and sugar.
     C. His mother enjoys her job very much.
听第9段材料, 回答第15至第17题。
15. How much is the black wallet?
  A. $49.95                B. $40.95                        C. $44.95
16. Why doesn’t the girl like the brown wallet?
     A. There isn’t a place to put pictures.      
B. It’s too big and heavy.          C. She doesn’t like the color.
17. How much did the girl spend on the present for her father?
     A. $5.00                B. $10.00                        C. $13.99
听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
18. How long is the flight?
     A. 2 hours and 40 minutes.          B. 2 hours and 14 minutes.
C. 2 hours and 4 minutes.
19. What is the weather like in Seattle at present?
     A. Partly cloudy.        B. Rainy.                        C. Sunny.
20. At what gate will the plane arrive?
     A. 13.                B. 3.                            C. 30.
第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. Premier Wen stated in his report that the education of ______ young was always ______ hot and serious topic.
A. 不填,不填    B. the, a          C. 不填, the          D. the, 不填
22. Tom’s mother kept telling him not to play computer games, but ______ didn’t help at all.
A. he            B. she            C. it                D. which

资料名称: 宜昌市2006届高三英语第三次调研考试卷(附答案)
文件大小: 74K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 宜昌市2006届
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