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牛津 8B Unit3短语和词汇复习
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牛津 8B Unit3短语和词汇复习

1.television 缩写 TV  TV is short for television .

channel 频道   channel 1 一频道 movie channel 电影频道my favourite channel 我最喜欢的频道 on channel 5 .5频道channel还可以指运河 the English channel 英吉利海峡

2.design . v .设计 designer n .设计者。设计师 。He is the designer of bridge . He designs this bridge .他设计了这座桥 。

3.program . n .节目;程序;计划TV or radio program电视或收音机节目. computter program 计算机程序

4.all-time adj作定语 有记录以来的 空前的. one of the all-time great tennis players 历来最好的网球键将.an all-time record 空前的记录

5.traveller . n旅行者 .是由ravel +er ------ traveller travel ( v ) travel to china . 到中国旅行travel in china 在中国旅行.

6.overview . n 概述. give sb an overview of sth 给某人---概述(大概)

7.main adj main points 要点main meaning 主要意思mainly (adv )mainly revision 总复习

8.character . n 人物 .main character主要人物 ,还有其他意思:(1)性格特征 .her character她的性格 (2)字母符号 Chinese characters汉字

9.Knowledge n知识。学问(不可数) . much knowledge 许多知识 。

10.Surely adv 一定 ,必定 ,当然 certainly 当然 sure . adj He’ll surely find the office .He is sure to find the office .他肯定能找到办公室 。

11.Order . n 订购.He gave his order to the waiter他把他点的东西告诉了服务员.We’ve received an order我们收到一张定单 . n 顺序.in alpha betical order按字母顺序.Put it in the right order  .按正确的顺序排列

12.Regard . n致意 .please give regards to your brother请代为向令兄致意 . v把。。。看作 .We regard our teacher as our friend 我们把我们的老师看作我们的朋友 .

13.Mind . vt 介意.Would you mind opening the window ?Certainly not 当然不.

14.Look like 看起来象.sound like听起来象 taste like smell like .其中look .sound taste smell 为联系动词,后通常按形容词作表语 。 It looks nice / . They sound interesting .

15.Agree . v 同意.refuse . agree to this suggestion / idea 同意 ,建议 / 主意 agree with sb同意某人.I don’t agree with you我不同意你的观点 .

16.Turn on / off 打开/ 关掉(电器电源)turn on / the TV / the radio / the computer / the light打开/ 关掉电视 / 收音机 / 电脑 / 灯。 turn up / down提高 , 关小 .turn up the radio 把收音机声音开大 . turn down the TV 把电视机声音关小

17.Be used to do sth be used for doing sth 被用来 . the computer is used for sending and receiving messages 电脑用来接受和传递信息.

18.Search for :look for寻找 . The police are searching for the thief 警察正在抓小偷. search sth检查 搜查某物. The police are searching the building 警察组织搜查大楼 .

19.Fall asleep 入睡. He was just falling asleep when there was a knock on the door 他刚刚要入睡这时有人敲门.

20.Sell out 卖完 卖光. We all sell out all our vegetables 我都卖完了所有的蔬菜 .


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